Incorporating Cramond, Barnton, Cammo & Quality Street (West)

Minutes of Meeting held on Thurs 15th April 2021 via Microsoft Teams

Participating: John Loudon (JL, Acting Chair), John Howison (JH, Vice-chair), Hamish Barrie (HB), Kit Campbell (KC), Sally Chalmers (SC), Percy Fekerty (PF), Tom Foggo (TF), Jean Morley (JM), Bert Scott (BS), Peter Scott (PS), Ian Williamson (IW, from item 5) and Gena Wylie (GW) with Councillors Hutchison and Work in attendance.

Apologies: Councillors Louise Young and Kevin Lang

Introductory Remarks

Andrew Mather is receiving terminal care at home but surprisingly cheerful.  He has offered to provide JL with relevant CBCC papers but the latter does not regard this as a high priority at present.

Meeting of March 21 2021

Members approved the minute subject to a minor correction to the air monitor readings opposite the old Barnton Hotel from “very high” to “medium high”.

Matters arising


Police Report

As before the report related to the whole of NW Edinburgh and therefore offered little by way of insight into specific Cramond issues.  Housebreaking in the area was down 50% (no doubt a consequence of many local residents not working) but bicycle thefts up.  The Police are urging bike owners to use the Bike Register Scheme.  Operation Proust, which aims to tackle violence against buses and bus drivers, and recently increased policing along the foreshore and at Lauriston Castle has diverted some officers from their normal “beat” duties.

JH reported that a near neighbour of his had died and had their house burgled; IW that a couple of young men had confronted the manager of the Inn and his wife in their courtyard; and SC that two women had been attacked locally but one of the assailants had been “laid out” by their intended kick-boxing victim.  KC not ed that she was now offering self-defence classes for women.

PF suggested a need to raise awareness of the Almond Community Safety Panel eg on the website and notice board.

SEStrans Report/CBCC Traffic Management and Planning Policies

JH summarised the role of SEStrans as a statutory partnership of transport authorities but noted that it had no delivery powers, these being the responsibility of its constituent agencies.  However, it is reasonably well informed in relation to most local issues and therefore there is no need for CBCC to make any “obvious” points relating to local problems.  He suggested that CBCC might create a small focus group to review his draft submission to SEStrans, but that its response had to be submitted very quickly and was unlikely to lead to any dialogue.  Members offered a number of comments, including that CBCC should:

  • Set out a number of key principles followed by a list of actions
  • Concentrate on policy development
  • Concentrate on desirable outcomes, such as that 5 year olds should be able to walk to school
  • Oppose anything that would lead to increased “rat running”

After discussion it was agreed that members should submit any suggestions to JH by the end of 17 April by providing a “tracked changes” version of his draft and he would then make any necessary amendments and submit the response to SEStrans.

Planning Report

PS reported that:

  • The AMA application relating to the Brighouse former playing fields area would go to the Development Management Committee on 12 May and the Chair would make a presentation to it, as would Mike Ramsay on behalf of Brighouse residents.
  • Dave Sinclair of CEC (responsible locally for the Places for People project) was seeking comments on the possible closure of Cammo Road, west of the Cammo Estate car park. Local residents had already made over 20 comments but the deadline was very tight. 

Secretary’s Report

IW reported that the Council had painted double yellow lines in Cramond Glebe Road (but not in the village, north of the car park entrance) and chevrons outside the proposed care home exit.  As a result traffic flows had improved with particular benefits for emergency vehicles.  However, there was still a need for active policing of traffic.

SC highlighted the need to remove a broken branch overhanging Cramond Glebe Road close to the car park exit and causing southbound vehicles to move onto the wrong side of the road and danger for pedestrians.  After discussion the consensus was that (a) the tree was probably owned by the Council and (b) there was a general need for tree management in the area and CEC should be asked to take action.

HB, GW and JH all highlighted various issues relating to recent road resurfacing work in the Barnton Park estate which had been done very badly by the Council’s contractor and, at various times, utility providers.  GH had contacted the CEC official responsible for managing such projects: he had undertaken to inspect the work but had not yet fed back any information on his findings.

Councillor Reports

NW and GH had nothing significant to report.

Assistance for Secretary

JL highlighted the need to reduce IW’s workload.  Although KC had offered to produce the minutes of meetings he wondered whether it would be desirable to advertise for additional help on the CC’s notice board.  It was agreed that members should send any relevant suggestions for people who might help to JL.

Any Other Business

  • JL suggested the co-option of Hamish Barrie and this was agreed unanimously.
  • Little had happened in relation to the Council’s Community Participation request although there would be a meeting of Almond local neighbourhood networks on 22 April. PF will report back as he is the voluntary sector representative for the Almond Ward.  GW noted that she would also be attending.
  • JL suggested that the Council’s AGM should be held at the same time as the June meeting and this was agreed.
  • IW highlighted shortcomings in the recently installed LED street lighting in the area, particularly the uneven distribution of light and pools of darkness. JL added that their light output was sometimes masked by trees.  HB advised that the system was designed by independent lighting consultants but any complaints should be sent to CEC.  He offered to provide relevant contact names to IW.
  • KC had sent his paper on new public toilets in Cramond to Karen Reeves at the Council. She had responded that the Transport and Environment Committee would be considering a report setting out the “strategic direction” for public toilets in the city on 22 April 2021, but that the Council had not allocated any funding to support the strategy as yet.  Subsequent notes for information: first, the report is available on the Council website in relation to agenda item 7.8 for the Committee’s meeting.  Appendix 1 includes the only reference to the Cramond toilets: it says that the Council should not maintain the current facilities and investment is required.  Second, IW has advised that the current toilets are supposed to be open only from 1100-1800 each day.  There is a clear need for them to open earlier and they often open some time after 1100.)
  • PS suggested the production of a Community Council newsletter in the next month and that any material for inclusion should be sent to SC.

Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 20 May 2021 at 7 PM via MS Teams