Incorporating Cramond, Barnton, Cammo & Quality Street (West)
Draft Minutes of Meeting held on 16 January 2014 in Cramond Kirk Millennium Hall
Present: Andrew Mather (Chair), Patricia Eason (Interim Secretary), Ross Wilkinson, Percy Feketey, Ian Williamson, Bert Scott, Euan Pearson, Isla Browning, Marion Mitchell, Peter Scott and Jean Morley
Apologies: Jane Neville (treasurer) and Mark Whittet
A total of 35 residents were present, including members. Councillors Norman Work, Lindsay Paterson and Alistair Shields also attended.
Welcome and introductions
Opening the meeting, Andrew Mather wished those present a Happy New Year and explained that there would not be a police report on this occasion as all available officers were engaged in the search for the little boy missing in Drylaw. He welcomed Michael Vipond and Clare McVeigh from McCarthy and Stone who would be providing an update on the Barnton Hotel development
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
These were approved without amendment. It was noted from the floor that there were no minutes of meetings on the website later than June 2013. The Chairman explained that the Community Council still needed a Webmaster. Any volunteers would be made very welcome.
Update on developments at the Barnton Hotel site
Mr Vipond said that, as residents would have observed, construction work had begun. The hotel itself – to be renamed as Ramsay Grange – was being converted into 9 flats, which would be sold on the open market. The completion date was expected to be August/September. The main McCarthy and Stone development of 73 flats for “assisted living” would be marketed from April 2014 and it was expected that occupancy would begin in October. This development would be known as Lyle Court. 2 different contractors were developing Ramsay Grange and Lyle Court.
A brief video was shown of the proposed flats at Lyle Court. As previously advised, these were intended for those over 70 who needed additional support beyond that provided in a residential home. There would be a restaurant, residents’ lounge and a visitors’ suite. Each flat would be sold to, and owned by, residents who would also pay a service charge for the additional support provided. Residents would furnish their own flats. It was not envisaged that the development would be suitable for anyone developing dementia.
The following were among the points raised in the ensuing discussion: –
Traffic In response to questions Mr Vipond said that, when complete, there would be 2 exits from the 2 elements of the development onto Barnton Grove, both with box junctions. There would be 11 parking spaces for the hotel occupants and 27 (plus 4 disabled) spaces for Lyle Court residents (who would pay £250pa for each space). McCarthy and Stone had agreed with the City Council to move the wall on the Whitehouse Road frontage back 2 metres. This would permit an additional lane at the traffic lights on the Barnton junction but the Council rather than McCarthy and Stone would be responsible for taking this forward. McCarthy and Stone had not been asked to provide an additional lane for exiting from Barnton Grove onto Whitehouse Road. Residents expressed concern that the additional lane at the traffic lights might not be provided, and that the already difficult exit from Barnton Grove onto Whitehouse Road would become even more problematic.
Construction phase Mr Vipond recognised the difficulties which were being caused by constructors vehicles using the temporary entrance to the site from Whitehouse Road and said that contractors had been told not to use this at peak periods. Residents noted that those working on the site were parking their vehicles along Barnton Grove, effectively reducing it to a single lane highway. Mr Vipond agreed to pursue this, and the related issue of mud on the pavements, which created a risk of slipping for those walking by.
Community benefits Mr Vipond listed as follows the wider benefits, which the developer had agreed to provide in discussions with the City Council. (1) A financial contribution to new traffic lights at the Barnton junction. (2) Provision of a new bus stop on Queensferry Road – though McCarthy and Stone were finding it difficult to get any decisions form the council on this. (3) Moving the Whitehouse Road frontage back 2 metres. (4) Provision of the new box junctions on Barnton Grove. (5) A contribution of £7,500 to provide a vehicle and allocated parking space on Barnton Grove for the Edinburgh Car Club. He suggested that action to renovate the Barnton Hotel was also a community benefit in the sense that it removed an obvious eyesore. In response to questions about community access to the common areas at Lyle Court he did not hold out any prospect that this would be possible, given that these were facilities for the residents.
Take up So far there had been 700 enquiries about Lyle Court even before marketing had begun. This was a very high number. 50% had come from people living locally but it would not be possible to give priority to local people. Flats would be sold on a first come basis.
The Chairman thanked Mr Vipond and Ms McVeigh for their presentation.
Councillors Reports
The 3 City Councillors reported on their recent activities noting that the council committees had only just resumed after the festive period. They undertook to keep a close eye on the proposed Cammo development and referred to the meetings of the Neighbourhood Partnership.
Secretary’s Report
The Chairman thanked the secretary for her report. In discussion reference was made to the collapsed wall in the harbour area and to the proposal for a building to be erected on this site. The Community Council had been represented in meetings to discuss this. Discussions were also taking place about the campus site where no progress was being made with the proposed sports facilities. The developer wished to complete the housing elements of the development and proposed to turf the remaining area, which was at present an eyesore. This was being discussed with the current residents. The Planning Department appeared to be determined to insist that the area reserved for sports facilities should not be used for housing or any other purposes. It was not yet clear whether the general public would be able to access the greened area.
Next Meeting: Thursday 20 February