Incorporating Cramond, Barnton, Cammo & Quality Street (West)

Minutes of Meeting held on Thurs 17th February 2022 via Microsoft Teams

Participating: John Loudon (Chair), John Howison (Vice-chair), Ian Williamson (Secretary), Gena Wyllie (Treasurer), Peter Scott (Planning Lead), Hamish Barrie, Robert Bruce, Kit Campbell, Michael Dick, Percy Fekety and Jean Morley

In attendance: Michael Dick, Tim Mitchell, Councillor Norman Work

Introductory Remarks

There had been a technical problem with accessing the meeting on Microsoft Teams so John Loudon asked Hamish Barrie to open the meeting a few minutes earlier in future.


Sally Chalmers, Bert Scott and Tom Foggo (both of whom had been unable to access the meeting), Councillors Louise Young and Graham Hutchison

Approval of January 2022 Minutes

The minutes were approved subject to one minor amendment:

  • Item 12: Tim Mitchell had advised that the funds raising for trees in Davidson’s Mains had been organised by the local Neighbourhood Watch with support from the Cramond Association.

Matters Arising


Police Report

Ian Williamson summarised the Police report

  • The police would be continuing high-vis patrols in the area with the intention of deterring driving offences
  • There were no off-road quad bike offences in January (previously there had been reports of quad bikes being driven along the foreshore to and from Silverknowes)
  • There were only a handful of anti-social behaviour incidents, mainly in Barnton Park Avenue
  • The number of house breaking and violent crime offences were down when compared with 2021

Edinburgh Airport

Tom Wylie summarised the findings of a review of the Noise Action Board and asked whether CBCC wished to retain its representatives on it.  After discussion, including on the desirability of having elected politicians on the board, members concluded that we should continue with the present arrangements.

Planning Report

Proposed Developments

Peter Scott reported on two current development proposals:

  • 4 Barnton Avenue West: an issue had arisen with drainage which had yet to be resolved
  • Telecoms mast at Barnton junction: a proposed mast would be very intrusive and appeared not to comply with the relevant code relating to site sharing by different telecoms operators. There were possibly also enough masts in the area already and Peter had written to planning.

He also advised that, somewhat to his surprise, CBCC had been invited to make a presentation to a hearing to consider the planning application for north of West Craigs Road.

Ian Williamson reported that there was considerable angst in Cramond Village relating to the proposal for a razor-wire topped fence at the Cramond Inn.  Residents regarded it as inappropriate at a listed building in a conservation area.  He also advised that the Inn is unlikely to reopen in 2022.  Members agreed he should write to Norman Work who would take up the fence issue with planning.

Draft Open Space Strategies and Play Sufficiency Assessment Regulations

Kit Campbell reported that the Scottish Government was seeking the Community Council’s views on draft regulations on Open Space Strategies and Play Sufficiency Assessment Regulations.  He regarded them as non-contentious and his paper on the subject included draft responses to the consultation questions.  He had received comments on them from Peter Scott and Sally Chalmers which he would build in to them and asked for any further comments to be e-mailed to him.

The Future Role of CBCC

John Loudon asked for comments on Kit Campbell’s paper and the earlier input from Sally Chalmers on the future role of CBCC and suggested that it might form some sub-groups for specific tasks, such as progressing the Cramond Vision, a possible community buy-out of the Cramond Inn, the car park project, the provision of new or better public toilets and local litter picking initiatives.  However, the feasibility of such an approach depending on attracting members willing to contribute to the work of such groups.

Ian Williamson supported the proposals in KC’s paper and in particular the car park project as it had the potential to generate funding for local projects.

Peter Scott generally supported JL’s suggestions but pointed out that getting results could take a lot of time and effort.  For example, it had taken 4-5 years for a team from the partner organisations to develop the Cramond Heritage Trail map/interpretation boards and get them installed.  That this came to fruition was due in large part to support from an official with a ‘can do’ attitude.

Gena Wylie questioned whether the delivery of environmental improvements – such as the car park project – properly formed part of CBCC’s remit.  Tim Mitchell agreed and suggested that CBCC’s job was limited to representing the views of the local community and therefore the Cramond Association might be a more appropriate body to promote local environmental projects.  KC agreed that CBCC was not an appropriate body to procure projects but argued it could do preliminary feasibility work.  John Loudon suggested a Community Benefit Society might be an option.

After discussion, members agreed:

  • Kit Campbell should take the lead in progressing a survey of car park users to establish (a) the extent to which the introduction of a charge might result in users wanting to park elsewhere, such as on-street and (b) assessing the feasibility of an asset transfer of the car park from the council to an appropriate local body
  • It would be desirable to try to make CBCC more diverse, for example by having more female members
  • It would be desirable to try to progress a “community litter-pick” in the spring/early summer. Peter Scott offered to help organise this, provide there were enough volunteers to “do” their home street or area.  He asked that any CC members show were willing to undertake a co-ordinating role in their neighbourhoods to provide their names to him by e-mail following the meeting.  Hamish Barrie had already approached the council for equipment and offered to chase up a response.  John Loudon will also follow up the proposal with the Cramond Collaborative.

Lauriston Farm Update

John Loudon reported that the Lauriston Eco-farm was beginning to take shape with the recent installation of deer and stock fencing.

Councillor’s Reports

Norman Work reported that he had been re-adopted as an SNP candidate for the May Council elections.

Format of future meetings

After a lengthy discussion, the consensus view was that we should meet on Teams for the immediate future and consider moving to the Kirk Hall when the chances of anyone catching Covid were significantly reduced.  There was also a suggestion of having alternate meetings on-line and at the Kirk Hall later in the year, especially when there was an opportunity to attract a wider audience with an invited speaker.

Any Other Business

  • Hamish Barrie asked what CEC was doing to provide a direct bus service from Cramond to the city’s hospitals. While there is no such route at present, this might happen once the Maybury housing was occupied as this should increase demand.  In the meantime, service 21 runs from the Gyle Centre, through Davidson’s Mains and then to the Royal Infirmary (but takes a very roundabout route taking almost an hour from Davidson’s Mains) and there is also a service 16 from Livingston Hospital to the Barnton junction, along the Queensferry Road to Blackhall and then to the Western General Hospital. 
  • Ian Williamson advised that he had submitted a FOI request to CEC to find out when Service 13 was last tendered. Norman Work responded that this had been done in March 2020.
  • Percy Fekety advised that road resurfacing work at the Barnton shops is due to start on 23 March.
  • Peter Scott advised that Margery Naylor’s funeral will be held in Cramond Kirk on Saturday 19 February and suggested that Ian Williamson write to her husband John to express the community’s thanks for all Margery had done for the area.
  • John Loudon advised that there is to be on-line census in March.

Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 17 March 2022 at 7 PM to be held online using Microsoft Teams.