Incorporating Cramond, Barnton, Cammo & Quality Street (West)

Minutes of Meeting held on Thurs 17th March 2022 via Microsoft Teams

Participating: John Loudon (Chair), John Howison (Vice-chair), Ian Williamson (Secretary), Gena Wyllie (Treasurer), Peter Scott (Planning Lead), Bert Scott, Kit Campbell, Sally Chalmers, Percy Fekety, Tom Foggo, Jean Morley and Tom Wylie.

In attendance: Michael Dick, David Foster Thomson and James Hill.

Introductory Remarks

All covered under AOCB


Hamish Barrie, Councillors Kevin Lang, Louise Young and Norman Work

Approval of February 2022 Minutes

The minutes were approved subject to one minor amendment:

  • The date of the next meeting should have said 17 March, not February
  • Item 7: Peter Scott reported the issues holding up approval of the 4 Barnton Avenue West development had been resolved but planning permission had not yet been issued pending agreement over a contribution to off-site affordable housing.

Matters Arising

Edinburgh Airport – airspace change programme

John Howison provided an update on proposals for a new corridor for aircraft taking off to the north south and west, but not the east, which would result in more traffic over the Forth.  The airport had an obligation to assess the impact of the proposed changes in terms of the noise impact on nearby communities, but appeared reluctant to do so.  He suggested that it may be necessary to contact the Civil Aviation Authority and advised on the need to “watch this space”.

Tom Foggo also expressed reservations about the proposals and expressed concern regarding more over-flying of Cramond Island and possible additional noise impact on Cramond.  Sally Chalmers queried the way in which it appeared that taking off and landing aircraft could be flying in opposite directions on the same horizontal trajectory, although separated vertically as aircraft taking off will be at a greater height than those landing.  Peter Scott also expressed concern at possible increased noise impacts on Cammo and Strathalmond.  At present aircraft cannot turn until they reach a height of 600feet, but in future they may start to turn as soon as their wheels leave the runway.

John Loudon endorsed the need to keep the situation under review.

Police Report

Ian Williamson summarised the Police report

  • High visibility patrols will continue with the aim of deterring driving offences in the area
  • There had been a number of instances of anti-social behaviour in the area involving motorcycles and mopeds
  • There were also reports of house breaking and the police advised all residents to keep their garages and sheds locked.
  • Ian Williamson had reported that four caravans had appeared overnight in the car park, but Gena Wyllie though they might be being held there temporarily before being sent elsewhere to house Ukraine refugees.

Subsequent note: it appears that the caravans have nothing to do with the need to house Ukrainian refugees and so Ian Williamson has alerted the local Community Policing Team.

Davidson’s Mains Roundabout

Percy Fekerty read out two notes from Rod Alexander of the DMSA in relation the design and implementation of changes to the roundabout and related pedestrian crossings in Davidsons Mains.  It had taken a considerable time for a design to be agreed with no sigh of any action so Kevin Lang had taken up the issue with the leader of the Council.  He had reported that the current proposal is to retain a mini-roundabout but to reduce the roads giving access to it to single lanes with a raised road surface at each pedestrian crossing in order to slow traffic using it.  This should make the crossing safer for pedestrians, although it would almost certainly result in more traffic congestion on the approach roads.  However, it enhanced the case for action to reduce traffic flows in Cramond and the ward councillors – including James Hill, the local Conservative candidate, if elected in May – would be seeking to make the case for this.

Planning Report

Peter Scott reported on two current issues:

Cammo Walk Active Travel Route/North of Craigs Road Development

The developers for the West Craigs Road housing lodged an appeal to the Scottish Ministers on the grounds of non-determination of their planning application by the Council shortly before the Development Management Sub-committee was due to consider a recommendation to refuse it.  As a result, the Sub-committee was able only to express an opinion, which was in support of the officers’ recommendation.  When the appeal is heard CBCC will have an opportunity to express its views in support of the recommendation.  The related active travel route has now been under consideration for eight years.

Cramond Campus

Kit Campbell summarised the current position:

  • The mediation process is moving towards its conclusion, but it is unlikely either to be a good one or to conclude discussions over the future of the unbuilt part of the former playing fields.
  • Those Council departments consulted by Planning – Leisure and Culture, Education and Parks and Cemeteries – as well as sportscotland all support CBCC’s view that future development of the campus should meet local needs.
  • However, AMA are holding out for their “gold-plated” proposals. The mediator is therefore having one final attempt to persuade them that they should abandon their aspirations and instead work up proposals based on CBCC’s suggestion of a local park and pitch sport facilities for Cramond Primary, Cargilfield School and Royal High Corstorphine Cricket Club.  In addition, CEC Parks and Cemeteries has suggested the inclusion of allotments, for which there is a clear need, and CEC Culture and Leisure has suggested the inclusion of a “pump track”. 
  • If the mediator’s latest approach to AMA is unsuccessful, he will probably recommend to the Council that there is no point in continuing. If this happens, the Development Management Sub-committee will not now meet until June because “purdah” before the forthcoming Council elections starts on 28 March.  At present it is far from clear what will happen and as there will be a new committee after the elections, we may be back to square one.  We must therefore hope that the present chair – who appears sympathetic to our cause – is re-elected and re-appointed.

Governance and Funding of EACC

John Loudon reported that the Edinburgh Association of Community Councils has insufficient funding to continue and requires £500 to continue.  It has therefore asked all community councils in the city for financial support.  His view was that the Association did a useful job and was therefore worth supporting.

Gena Wyllie suggested that as CBCC’s finances are in a healthy state, thanks largely to the fact that it had incurred no hall costs for meetings over the past two years, it could afford to make a donation and suggested £100.  Ian Williamson seconded this proposal and CBCC approved it.

Councillor’s Reports


Any Other Business

Peter Scott provided an update on the proposed litter pick on 2 and 3 April.  Sally Chalmers suggested that various other local groups from out with the CBCC area are interested in taking part in support, but Peter felt this could resulting the initiative getting out of hand.  He had established a direct link to the Council’s Cleansing Service and it would be helping by providing equipment and skips. 

David Foster Thomson sought information on (a) the Lauriston Eco-Farm and (b) whether he could attend CBCC meetings, although he lived out with the CBCC area.  John Loudon offered to send him a copy of various e-mails about the former and said that the Cramond Association are having a presentation on it after its AGM on 28 March.  Peter Scott suggested that he should also look at the project website.  In relation to CBCC meetings, John Loudon stated that all community council meetings across the city are open to everyone.

Ian Williamson asked whether CBCC meetings should continue to be on-line.  The consensus was that they should until at least August and Gena Wyllie should seek information on the potential availability of booking the Kirk Hall from the September meeting.  Sally Chalmers suggested a need to make meetings more interesting as the Cramond Association were clearly trying to do.  She also suggested a need to produce another CBCC newsletter in the near future – possibly after the community litter pick – and to use Facebook more for disseminating information relating to CBCC.

Ian Williamson raised the issue of the possible erection of a fence topped with razor wire at the Cramond Inn.  He expressed concern that although most Village residents were opposed to it, council officials were likely to approve it without involving councillors.  John Loudon noted that a fence 2 m high did not require planning permission.  He was intending to attend a meeting of the Scottish Community Pubs Network on 31 March with a view to gathering information on community buy-outs of pubs.

Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 21 April 2022 at 7 PM to be held online using Microsoft Teams.