Incorporating Cramond, Barnton, Cammo & Quality Street (West)
Minutes of Meeting held on Thurs 17th September 2020 via Microsoft Teams
In Attendance: John Howison, John Loudon, Jean Morley, Bert Scott, Peter Scott, Percy Feketey Michael Dick, Sally Chalmers and Councillor Louise Young.
Apologies: Ian Williamson, Andrew Mather, Robert Bruce, Cllrs Kevin Lang, Graham Hutchison and Norman Work. (The last named two due to City of Edinburgh Council policy issues regarding not using ZOOM)
Vice-Chairman’s Introduction
John Howison (standing in for Andrew Mather) read out the Headings from the Chairman’s Annual Report and asked for comments. There was general agreement with the rather depressing tone of the Report which had been written with obvious feeling, particularly regarding the lack of engagement by the Council in dealing with CC Issues raised with them, some over lengthy periods of time. It was hoped that the Report would be read by those responsible and acted-upon as necessary. It was agreed that the Report should contain a short number of key positive suggestions for improving communications/relationships with CEC, to provide a balance to the more negative issues raised’
After some discussion it was agreed that Ian Williamson would send the Report to the relevant Council personnel. It was also agreed that the Report would first be displayed on FB requesting feedback (subject to Andrew Mather’s agreement). Finally, John Howison suggested that the Report should thereafter be presented at the AGM with Action for himself and Ian Williamson to draft a Covering Minute to CEC highlighting up to 4 prioritised Topics in the Annual Report to which the Community Council would specifically invite CEC response. This Minute would incorporate any further amendments agreed at the AGM.
Police Report
None had been received. Percy Feketey commented that DMSA were apparently still receiving Reports from PC Macleod (Liaison Officer) although Council Funding for Community Policing had been cut. Louise Young said that Community Police had been cut in numbers since July.
Report on Community Participation Meeting
Peter Scott said that the first Meeting (Virtual) last week had been productive, in an attempt to get a co-ordinated approach to suggested traffic measures, Cammo and Barnton Junction were the principal subjects. At the next Meeting, traffic management proposals affecting Cammo would be discussed, with a later Meeting to consider the Barnton Junction.
Brighouse Planning Application
Peter Scott had nothing new to report, Michael Dick said AMA had been tidying-up their ‘shanty town’ on the site including some grass-cutting. No date for a Council Hearing as yet. Councillors were asked to request a Hearing as the CC would like to make a Submission when it comes before the Development Sub-Committee. Referring to the ‘unadopted roundabout’ on Cramond Road North, John Howison reported that he had agreed with Percy Feketey and others that this matter would not be taken forward at the moment due to the current Planning Application and the fact that it is not the worst section of road in our area.
Councillor’s Report
The Chairman invited Louise Young to speak on this Item. The AMA Report having already been dealt with, Louise said that a further matter was the proposed Bus Lanes on Queensferry Road. Report expected on 25 September. Kevin Lang sits on the Transport Committee and would be able to report on this. John Howison said that on the transport front the number one issue which had the capability of causing irreparable damage to this area was Bus Lanes on Queensferry Road and an analytical response was required to influence any decisions by the Council. He asked if the Report would be referred to the CC? Louise didn’t think CCs were notified about Agenda Items but Ward Councillors would get Committee Meeting Agendas in any case. Several members referred to the substantial increases in car traffic and reluctance to use buses due to Covid hazards – especially at school times and agreed that bus lanes would cause unacceptable levels of congestion and rat running (e.g., along Gamekeepers and Whitehouse Roads).
Cllr Young also said that Mimi’s Bakehouse had opened-up at Lauriston Castle. No complaints about traffic problems although there had been concerns about potential traffic. Kevin and herself had also been approached about access to outdoor training facilities at RHS by sports clubs etc, however RHS had not yet finalised their own school requirements. (PS Percy visited the Bakehouse on 24 Sep 20 at 4pm, it was reasonably busy, but no overcrowding or traffic problems were observed).
Councillor Young indicated that the Council had not yet agreed to extra-curricular use of school sports facilities (e.g., RHS playing fields) by external organisations, due to practical issues and need to control mixing of people from different households, etc.
The Chair provided some data on the use of the Airport and comparisons with previous years (e.g., now serving 85 international destinations compared with 124 in 2019. 170,000 passengers in July 2020 compared with 1.5m in July 2019).
Gena Wylie was not available to present the accounts. The Chair indicated that he had queries about the process of approving these and their format, which he will follow up.
Social Media
The Chair thanked Sally Chalmers for her up-date on the use of CBCC’s social media showing growth in awareness of the CC and its activities. Sally said it was important now to increase sharing of news items between partner organisations and asked members to let her know if they wished training in the use of Facebook, etc.
This will now be in quarterly format with the next Grapevine in November. Jean Morley suggested that CBCC could prepare content for inclusion.
Future CBCC Meetings
Suggestions for the next meetings to be held in the Kirk or Halls were deprecated by members due to their unwillingness to take the risks to their health and those of their families of attending a ‘live’ meeting and also the Scottish Govt’s guidance on not holding such meetings. It was agreed that the next meeting should be via Zoom or Teams and office-bearers would discuss this over the next two weeks.
Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 15 October 2022 at 7 PM to be held online using Microsoft Teams. This meeting will include the AGM, be held virtually and be open to members of the public, who apply to attend. (This was subsequently postponed to November allowing for the health of the Chairman).