Incorporating Cramond, Barnton, Cammo & Quality Street (West)

Draft Minutes of Meeting held on 17th September 2013 in Cramond Kirk Millennium Hall


Present: Andrew Mather, Patricia Eason, Ross Wilkinson, Percy Feketey, Bert Scott, Isla Browning, Peter Scott, Marion Mitchell, Euan Pearson, Mark Whittet and Jean Morley

A total of 36 residents were present, including members. Councillors Norman Work, Alastair Shields and Lindsay Paterson also attended

Apologies: Jane Neville and Ian Williamson

Returning Officer: Councillor Alastair Shields chaired this meeting as the Returning Officer for the recent Community Council elections.  This community had not required an election as only 13 of a possible 15 members had filled in nomination forms.  Cllr Shields did however appreciate that a number of names had been forwarded should there be insufficient numbers to form a community Council in the area.

Alastair then introduced the new members for Cramond & Barnton Community Council.  As it was important to vote in a new chair in the first instance he then asked for nomination for this post.  Andrew Mather was proposed by Ross Wilkinson after a short supporting speech and was seconded by Percy Feketey.

They’re being no other members proposed, Councillor Alastair Shields then congratulated Andrew Mather on his 2nd term as Chair of the Community Council.

Andrew Mather thereafter chaired the meeting.

Introduction:  Andrew Mather informed the committee and residents that as he would be away for 5 weeks and then it would then be Christmas he asked if we could elect a Vice Chair and the Treasurer at this meeting.

Vice-Chair: Andrew proposed Ross Wilkinson as the Vice-chair, seconded by Percy Fecketey

Treasurer:  As Jane Neville had agreed to stay as the treasurer; she was nominated by Andrew Mather and seconded by Marion Mitchell.

Secretary:  The chair noted that the previous secretary no longer lived in the area and was therefore ineligible to take the role of secretary. He suggested that in the meantime it would be helpful if she could remain as an interim secretary. This was agreed.

With the urgent official decisions now having been made the chair informed those attending the meeting of some of the issues the CC was presently dealing with, these included:








  • ·        The Cramond Campus Site
  • ·        Barnton Avenue. West
  • ·        Cammo Home Farm
  • ·        McCarthy and Stone
  • ·        The SESplan Strategic Development Plan and the proposed: Local Development Plan.  The Scottish Government had now changed the proposals from a development on the green space at Cammo from a possible 500 – 700 houses to a preferred development of 500 – 700 houses.

The Community Council had agreed with the land owners (Cramond and Harthill Estates) and the planners to hold a public meeting on Thursday 28th November at 7.30 in the Cramond Kirk itself.   Exhibitions on the proposed development would be held on the 14, 15, 16 and 17th November in the Gathering Space in the Cramond Kirk Hall.


Percy asked of the transport problems had been looked at.  A meeting was being held on Monday the 11th November with the CC board members on the Almond Neighborhood Partnership to discuss transport issues with Councilor Lesley Hinds.

Peter Scott asked if a traffic survey had been done.  The CC had an understanding that Halcrow were carrying a traffic survey.  It was agreed that this would be checked out and a report would be requested.


Airport Pollution:  Andrew, who sits on the Airport Consultative Committee, had been informed that the air pollution in this area was the same or less than in the city at 40micrograms/cu mm.


Road Issues: Again the CC was in discussion and had come to an agreement on a number of issues.

  • ·        Cramond Glebe Road
  • ·        Barnton Shops
  • ·        School Brae
  • ·        Cammo Road
  • ·        Whitehouse Road
  • ·        Barnton Avenue West and Gamekeepers Road
  • ·        Brae Park Road


Salvesen Steps: As previously discussed the Steps would be kept repaired as long as was possible.   The engineering feasibility study was underway with the aim of presenting a viable proposal for a boardwalk to replace the steps. The engineers had requested that Community Council organise a public meeting to discuss the proposals, hopefully early in the New Year.


Sewage:  This subject and the problems at both the promenade and the proposed development site at Cammo were brought up.  It was considered this was becoming a Health and Safety Issue.  John Dods was asked to send the photographs, which he had taken to the Environmental Manager at the NP, and to discuss the subject with the planners for the proposed development at Cammo at the exhibition.


Andrew invited the members to his house on the 5th December on his return to meet each other socially.


As it was 9.00 pm, the meeting was then closed.


Next Meeting:  November 27th at 7.30pm at Cramond Kirk