Incorporating Cramond, Barnton, Cammo & Quality Street (West)

Minutes of Meeting held on Thurs 18th March 2021 via Microsoft Teams

Participating: John Loudon (JL, Acting Chair), John Howison (JH, Vice-Chair), Jean Morley, Peter Scott (PS), Percy Feketey, Tom Foggo, Sally Chalmers, Gena Wylie, Bert Scott, Kit Campbell and Michael Dick. Councillors Lang, Hutchison and Work were in attendance (Councillor Hutchison joining around 7.30pm). JL tendered Ian Williamson’s (IW, Secretary) apologies as he was in hospital. Apologies had been received from Councillor Young. Public – Hamish Barrie, John Skinner, Marion Finc, Stuart Leckie participated in the meeting.

JL reminded everyone to declare any interests they might have in matters discussed.

The minutes of the February meeting was approved. No matters arising.

Police Report

JL referred to the new style police report which had been circulated to members, was not of great relevance locally. JH mentioned that a 17 plate Mercedes E-class estate was stolen from a driveway in Inveralmond Gardens last week.

Edinburgh Airport

JH reported that although the CBCC had already responded to the Edinburgh Airport Noise Advisory Board Review Board request for feedback, a further trawl had been more widely circulated inviting individuals to provide responses.  Notwithstanding any current shortcomings in the EANAB effectiveness, personal responses were encouraged by the CC.

Planning Report 

Peter Scott updated the meeting on the planning application from AMA for the Brighouse site seeking a 5-year extension to enable it to secure a sports partner.  Hearing to be 12th May after the SP election and JL to represent CBCC.

Members endorsed draft response to Council’s consultation on extending Spaces for People projects, including comments on Silverknowes Road North, where Council staff believe that the closure is not adding to traffic pressure on Cramond, and identification of measures suggested by CBCC to enhance active travel safety have been ignored by the Council.

JH expressed concern about the details of any new temporary double yellow line system in CGR if these are to include the section adjacent to the new exit from the new care home, in advance of the TRO hearing into the CC’s objection to this section.

It was suggested that for CGR the double yellow lines be installed under the emergency TTRO with some parts excepted. 

KC advised a survey re the car park at Cramond would be carried out once lockdown conditions permitted.  Both in the car park and in School Brae.

Questions to include:

If there was a charge, would you park elsewhere and is so where?  What charge would you consider acceptable?  Have you been displaced from SRN to Cramond?

Councillor Lang’s Report

The postponed AMA hearing was now to be held on 12th May 2021 

Cramond Glebe Road (CGR) was to have double yellow lines – to be down before Easter.

No evidence for Silverknowes Road North (SRN) closure – the extension of which closure had been approved.  

New bus lanes into city on the Queensferry Road would add to congestion but were considered essential for survival of 43 (South Queensferry) bus service which runs without profit and can’t adhere to timetables.

HB raised concerns re pollution levels on Queensferry Road and the need for education on the impact on health.   KL noted HB only person in past 4 years to ask for bus lanes on Queensferry Road and referred to future Council consultation on Low Emission Zones.  PF noted traffic queues have been very bad today.

JM air monitor readings opposite old Barnton Hotel rather high but possible lower than EU regulations.

HB would welcome report from the Council on the levels of pollution on the Queensferry road – including on how often fine particulate levels were above legal levels.

Councillor Work’s Report

Meeting on Dowies Weir- option 3 preferred by community representatives.  He offered to provide copies of slides of the Council’s presentation.

Silverknowes Road North closure causing problems at Marine Drive, especially with parked cars.  Possible yellow lines ETRO.   

Noted much extra traffic and parking issues during lockdown all over the city and locally at Lauriston Castle, Hawes Brae and Dalmeny Estate.

New bus lane for 43 only Monday to Fridays at peak hours.

HB Support for Bus lanes to help people from Queensferry get into Edinburgh quicker – may help save their bus service. Traffic volumes increasing and levels of speed on Queensferry road at dangerous levels. Need CEC and Police to manage and enforce.

MD mentioned many more cars on Cramond Road South compounded by the popularity of Mimi’s café at Lauriston Castle.

HB mention the dog field adjacent to Toby’s Carvery – MD and PS advised planning application had been abandoned.

JM Imagine Cramond – Depressing, despite much effort, how little CBCC had been able to achieve, but important to spread the word and update the Notice Board

MD Grapevine – might be possible to include a circular, need to push Social media – e.g., Facebook.

GW Insert in Grapevine would need to be paid for but there might be funding from the Council (as previous Neighbourhood Partnership funding) – she will keep watching brief.

SC – Trying to get the messages out.  Facebook gaining traction especially the option to invite “friends” who will in turn follow CC posts. An update newsletter was due soon.

JM referred to possible newsletter and might be space in the Grapevine. 

Cllr Hutchison.   Foreshore issue with chicken wire, but it had been removed quickly. Noted issues over new bus lanes and queuing traffic.  Dowies Weir option 3 meant the millpond would be kept. 

Any Other Business

JL reported he had a good chat with Andrew Mather on Sunday, who seemed quite cheerful despite circumstances.

HB Noted the wall along Queensferry Road (Barnton Parl to Quality Street junction) is in poor and dangerous condition. Poses serious risk to people as it could collapse. Large levels of delamination causing stones to fall away. GH said was being monitored, but not a high priority.   (Note – we may recall that the former Barnshot Flyover had been high on the at risk register of structures and was only addressed when sections fell on to the carriageway below).  

KC Reminded everyone about the CC’s submission to the Council with 3 options for the toilets at Cramond. 

JL asked about his circulated suggestions on future arrangements for CC organisation and business and comments he had added to them. All were accepted without debate.

JL asked for volunteers to act as Minutes Secretary.  He suggested that this could be on a rotating basis.

He reported on previous days Zoom meeting on Joint Community Council’s Community Participation Request re EACC, Edinburgh Partnerships and new Neighbourhood Networks.  Further information to come but it might be an opportunity to move communication with CEC forward in a positive way. The Co-Chair of the NW-LCPP was keen to re-instate this Forum.  PF as the Elected Member representing the Almond Voluntary Sector said he would await further contact.   

The meeting was closed.

Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 15 April 2021 at 7 PM via MS Teams