Incorporating Cramond, Barnton, Cammo & Quality Street (West)
Minutes of Meeting held on Thurs 19th January 2023 via Teams
Participating: John Loudon (Chair), John Howison (Vice-chair), Gena Wylie (Treasurer), Peter Scott (Planning Lead), Bert Scott, Robert Bruce, Hamish Barrie, Percy Feketey, Sally Chalmers, James Hancock, Dianne Stein, Jean Morley.
In attendance: Cllr Lang, Cllr Work and sundry members.
Ian Williamson
Introductory Remarks
John Loudon welcomed attendees and apologised for the late notice of the meeting.
Approval of November 2022 Minutes
The Minutes were approved on a Motion from Peter Scott.
Matters Arising
The Chairman had written to Cala but had not received a reply. Sally Chalmers was in discussion with Ian Rodgers regarding the scope for a joint website. She commented that she had been in touch with Ian Rodgers and offered to be involved but had heard nothing back. Her last email was on 22 Dec 22.
Police Report
Chairman added that there was a break-in in Essex Road but the amount of info collected about it was very good.
Update on Cramond Inn
John Loudon said there were rumours about a sale, but possible Canadian staff had not come to fruition.
Dianne Stein said there was nothing to report but a meeting is imminent.
Brighouse Development
The Chair encouraged all interested parties to take up the invitation by Penny Lochhead to meet her or submit written suggestions for future sports and recreation provision at the former Cramond Campus Site.
He invited Peter Scott to comment on the joint meeting he and Ian Williamson had had with Penny on a personal basis (not representing CBCC). Peter indicated that they had had an amicable and productive meeting. Peter and Ian commented on their disappointment that the City Council had not developed a new planning brief for the whole site and suggested a series of Key Principles, which should guide site development, including, for example, development of a sustainable greenspace framework (e.g. ‘larger greenspace’, wildlife areas, ground moulding and planting), conserving the amenity of adjacent homes, priority for sports provision for local communities – rather than those which would attract substantial traffic from outwith the area, indoor facilities of a sensitive design and footprint) acceptance that some built development will be required to cross-fund sports and greenspace provision).
Peter and Ian also highlighted the need for consultations with the community on the overall development of the site (i.e. options for greenspace, sports and commercial development) at an early stage, rather than just a focus on sports development. Regarding the £1m or so set aside by the Developer, Penny indicated that AMA had said that marketing costs had used-up most of this.
Planning Update
Peter Scott provided an up-date on the adoption of National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) by the Scottish Parliament and the City Council’s submission of the Proposed City Plan 2030 to DPEA Reporters for its Examination in Public. It is hoped that City Plan will become the approved Local Development Plan for the City by early 2024 (see Secretary’s Report for further details).
Bus Shelters
Council officers have indicated that it is intended that new bus shelters be provided on the 41 route City-bound at the top of Cramond Glebe Road junction and at Tesco at D’Mains early this year. They are also aware of requests for a shelter at Fair-a-Far Cottages. Comments were made about vandalism and the poor state of various bus shelters on Whitehouse and Queensferry Roads.
Speed Limits on Rural and Urban Roads
Peter Scott presented a table of potential responses to the City Council’s current consultations on speed limits on rural and urban roads throughout the City (see Secretary’s Report). The suggested reductions of limits to 20mph were agreed for Whitehouse and Gamekeepers Road, Cammo Road (west of junction with Cammo Walk), Cammo Walk (west of Cammo Road junction, including currently closed section, if reopened to southbound traffic), and Burnshot Road (between the Standingstane Road junction and Kirkliston) were agreed as the basis for CBCC’s response to the consultations.
Community Spring Clean
It was agreed that CBCC should lead a Community Spring Clean on 22nd/23rd April 2023.
Cramond Surgery
Jean Morley reported that the Cramond Surgery expected to respond to patients’ concerns in a month’s time, there would be an article in The Grapevine Bulletin on ‘changes’. Sally Chalmers wanted info for the FB Page.
Height Barrier at Cramond Car Park
Cllr Work said there was a similar barrier in South Queensferry. Percy Feketey said the Item was on the agenda for the next Almond NN Meeting and a Council Roads’ Engineer Rep would re-examine the matter.
Sally Chalmers said that Instagram was used by younger people and was good for photos plus text. She would add photos to the website once the site had been launched.
Drainage Scheme at Barnton Avenue West
Dianne Stein asked about this. The Chairman said it was for the new large retirement housing development for which the Golf Course was receiving £1m.
Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 16 February 2023 at 7 PM via Teams