Incorporating Cramond, Barnton, Cammo & Quality Street (West)

Minutes of Meeting held on Thurs 19th November 2015 in

Cramond Kirk Millennium Hall

Present: Ross Wilkinson (Depute Chair), Peter Scott, Percy Feketey, Bert Scott, Marion Mitchell, Euan Pearson, David Belfall, Jean Morley (Committee Members).

Apologies: Andrew Mather (Chairman), Ian Williamson (Secretary), Isla Browning, Jane Neville, Patricia Eason, Cllr Shields and Cllr Paterson.

A total of 6 residents were present. Councillor Norman Work also attended as well as the SNP Candidate for Edinburgh West, Mr Toni Giugliano.

Welcome and Introductions

The Depute Chair welcomed those attending including PC Aidan Douds, Almond Community Ward Officer and the 3 Guest Speakers from the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership.

Minutes of the previous Meeting

These would be dealt-with by the Secretary at the next Meeting.

Chairman’s Report

Ross Wilkinson reported that the Lottery Bid for the Chain Ferry had unfortunately been turned-down, alternative funding sources would now be researched.

Airport Security was being improved with 97% of passengers being processed within 10 minutes. An alternative flight path being trialled at the Airport had shown no adverse effect on residents. Some residents were however still concerned and would be presenting their case at the next meeting in January 2016, with a rep from the Airport in attendance.

Cramond Football Club would receive a £400 Grant.

Police Report

PC Aidan Douds reported 4 incidents on 3rd October including a car theft in Cramond Vale.
A further car theft occurred on 14/15 October from Cammo Road and an unsuccessful attempt in Cargilfield View. He said there was a worrying trend in car thefts, cars were being taken to a site near Edinburgh Airport for ‘doctoring’. Suspect(s) had been apprehended and locked-up. In answer to a question re the Task Force having been downgraded he said that ‘hot spots’ were being monitored. He also said that ‘prisoner releases’ could result in the statistics ‘spiking up’. In response to a further question about the types of house being targeted he said that the more affluent areas were vulnerable, car keys should not be left lying around near entrance doors.
Other incidents in October were anti-social crimes (one with knife), car vandalised in East Barnton Avenue.

On road traffic matters, cars were now being parked on main roads with the restrictions near the Primary School, making safe passing hazardous. Euan Pearson why the Police were not enforcing the parking restriction, on Gamekeepers Road (the section from Gamekeepers Loan – Gamekeepers Park). The section was restricted to parking by buses only (and clearly plated). The PC said he wasn’t aware that there were any such restrictions, but said he would look into the matter. PC Douds said ‘warnings’ had been given to offending motorists who were continuing to flout the school’s streets initiative but £60 Penalties would be imposed in the future. A letter was being sent to the Head Teacher. Speeding was not a problem on Gamekeepers Road, average speed measured was 27mph. Peter Scott commented that parking now extended round the curve between Cramond Vale towards Inveralmond along Whitehouse Road.

The Chair thanked PC Douds and introduced the Presentation by George Walker and his Team on Health and Social Care Integration in Edinburgh.

Health and Social Care Integration

David Belfall said that the background was that the Secretary Ian Williamson had been in discussion regarding the impact of new Care Homes on the service provided by the Cramond Medical Practice. The Presentation would cover how close integration of Health and Social Care could benefit communities.

Mr Walker said that he was an independent non-executive director of NHS Lothian and had been appointed chair of the Joint Board set up by NHS Lothian and the City Council to integrate community health and social work services. The other presenters were Wendy Dale (Strategic Commissioning Manager, Health and Social Care Department, City Council) and Libby Tait (Deputy Director of Planning, NHS Lothian).
Mr Walker said that ‘Integration’ was a national requirement in Scotland under the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014. Four ‘Localities’ would cover Edinburgh (see Handout). The new system would operate from 1st April 2016. The Integration Board would consist of 10 voting members – 5 from the Council and 5 from NHS Lothian – plus others representing the voluntary sector and other interests.

Integration was all about ensuring that older people and others received the care services they needed. Dr Williams (a GP adviser) had stated that as a GP currently he might have to make up to 10 phone calls to different parts of the system to provide a necessary service to a single patient. The objective was to streamline the service to introduce integrated Teams with a single point of contact through one phone line. Another innovation was the appointment of 4 ‘Delayed Discharge Managers’ to manage problems such as ‘bed-blocking’ by providing the services needed at home to enable people to be discharged from hospital more quickly. The new Joint Board would have control of a £550m budget, the objective was a more co-ordinated service for members of the public and more effective use of resources.

Wendy Dale then explained how the 4 Localities had been selected, relating to Neighbourhood Partnerships and considering social care, public health, housing etc. (See Handout for statistics including our Community).

Libby Tait spoke about Primary Care challenges, demands on Medical Practices, increasing numbers of young and old customers. GP Services to Care Homes was another challenge, also more use of pharmacies to provide appropriate advice.

George Walker reiterated that the large Budget would be jointly-owned and there would be flexibility to move money around. A questioner from the floor asked whether the model had been tested? Was there enough money for community-care? Mr Walker replied that sub-elements had been tested, but the model was a ‘first’, learning would be based on experience.

Marion Mitchell said that integrated-teamwork already operated in West Lothian but was not cohesive in Edinburgh. George Walker agreed that a Council-inspired scheme had been developed in West Lothian, the Edinburgh model was a development with innovations like having a Chief Nurse, there would be lots of work to do.

Percy Feketey queried whether existing ‘deficiencies’ (shortage of GP’s etc) in Medical Practices were recognised? George Walker said that some problems were UK-wide, there was a requirement for experienced Practice Nurses (‘Advanced Nurse Practitioners’). There was a general shortage of GP’s.

David Belfall asked how the service to members of the public would be improved and whether, instead of 5 or 6 different services attending as required, the service would be co-ordinated. Mr Walker said that one of the objectives was to provide a holistic, person-centered service with a lead person in charge. The staff were keen to do things differently and the Board was working on new models of care.

A questioner asked whether Mental Health had been a consideration? Answer, budgets not detailed as yet, Local Managers would control budgets but a simple ‘per head’ formula could not deal with the ‘need element’.

The Chair thanked the Team, the Handout would be available electronically along with the Minutes.

Councillor’s’ Report

Councillor Work endorsed what had been said in the Presentation, Council and NHS Staff were already working together. The proposed ‘Joint Working’ should help to address the problem of bed-blocking.

Whilst the ‘principle’ of extending the tramline to Leith had been agreed by the Council no final Decision had been made, funding etc had still to be sorted, postponed for a month.

Planning Issues

Peter Scott said there were 3 current issues:

  • Care Home in Whitehouse Road – City Planners unhappy, Airport Authority do not like the ‘flat roof’, Council Roads apparently have ‘no concerns’ although traffic and safety problems have been highlighted by Objectors including ourselves. Developer has choice of abandoning scheme or re-designing.
  • Illuminated Sign at Quality Street Junction – Turned-down by Council but being Appealed.
  • Review of Planning System- We have made a Submission, expressing concern about the lack of response by Edinburgh Council to their engagement processes with ourselves, practically no account being taken of our views. On Housing Allocation Policy, there is continuing pressure on the Green Belt, alternative sites should be considered. Thirdly, only Developers can presently appeal, this Right should be extended to Community Councils.

Secretary’s Report (not circulated)

Chairman mentioned salient points, parking in Cramond Place (opposite Brighouse Site) was blocking private entrances – affected persons should dial 101 to inform Police.

Date of Next Meeting:

  • The next meeting will be held on 21st January 2016, main Topic will be Presentations on Airport Noise

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