Incorporating Cramond, Barnton, Cammo & Quality Street (West)

Minutes of Meeting held on Thurs 19th September 2019 in

Cramond Kirk Millennium Hall

Present:  Andrew Mather (Chair), Robert Bruce (Acting Secretary), Ross Wilkinson, Jean Morley, Peter Scott, Percy Feketey.   A total of 16 people were in attendance, including Councillors Hutchison and Young.  

Apologies for absence: Ian Williamson, John Howison, Gina Wylie, Michael Dick, Bert Scott 

Minutes of June 2019 Meeting

The minute of the June meeting was approved.

Police Report

PC Payne from Corstorphine station provided a report covering August 2019.   The month had been relatively quiet in terms of criminality in the area with two housebreakings, the theft of two bikes from Cramond Crescent and a motorbike stolen from Lenniemuir. Most of these incidents remain unresolved

There were no crimes involving hate, vandalism or assault. However, one minor assault was reported in Barnton Park as a result of road rage.

Two calls were received in connection with antisocial behaviour, and boy racers were reported on School Brae along with youths seen frequenting Dalmeny steps.

Speed checks have been conducted within the 30mph stretch on Whitehouse Road.

Notes of concern were raised at the meeting regarding the following:

  • an assault of a Water Bailiff with his mobile phone being thrown in the Almond when dealing with an un-licensed angler.
  • The Barnton junction island adjacent to the Bank of Scotland continues to be passed by drivers on the wrong side, racing the gain a green light in turning right into Queensferry Road.

Chairman’s Report

The Chairman reported that on the Airport work was underway to re-state the case in support of emerging flightpaths to the Civil Aviation Authority under the new procedures and that it was hoped that the new systems would be in place in time for Spring 2020 supporting the scope for the diverted departures that would mostly avoid Cramond.  

On the Crosswinds proposed development, the early engagement that had begun was just that – engagement to help shape the plan for the development of the site. Plans were progressing to address the issue of the current single route of roads access to the Airport with the Airport being prepared to meet the costs in the short term.   

Further meetings had been sought with the Chair of the Development Management Sub-Committee to discuss the process underpinning the approval of the Cammo Fields Planning application.  A meeting had also been set up with John Inman to discuss the implications of the decision and the continuing concerns about the infrastructure gap.

Airport Plan

John Howison had attended a recent meeting of the Airport Committee and had reported the following:

Air space change is progressing slowly with no real change from the earlier proposal.

It was noted that a proposal to build on the old runway is being considered and that the Community Council will be invited to participate in discussions.

Community Council Elections

Promotion of the 2019 community council elections

Information about the elections has been published on plasma screens in libraries and Council offices.  Posters, leaflets and flyers will be available to the public in libraries, community centres, Council offices and GP surgeries.  This information will also be distributed to Registered Tenants Organisations, Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations Council, the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations and a range of voluntary groups. 

Those wishing to be considered for election can obtain application forms from Cloudberry or online

The timetable for the election of individual community councillors is as follows:

  • Monday 9 September Publication of Notice of Election (start of nomination period)
  • Monday 30 September 4 pm   Deadline for nominations (forms to Returning Officer)
  • Monday 30 September 4 pm Deadline for withdrawal of nominations
  • Thursday 10 October Publication of Notice of Poll (if a poll is required)
  • Thursday 31 October Polling Day (if a poll is necessary)

Nominated Representatives

Community councils have both elected members and representatives from recognised local interest groups.   The timetable for the election of representatives of local interest groups is as follows:

  • Monday 9 September Notice of Election 
  • Monday 30 September Close of Registration  

Distribution of nomination forms and other materials

Individuals seeking election to a community council must be nominated by a proposer and seconder, both of whom must be on the electoral register for the community council area. Each elector may only propose one nominee and second one nominee. Nominations require to be submitted with the candidate’s consent. Self-nomination is not permitted.  Individuals who wish to be nominated as elected members are sent the following by the Returning Officer or can obtain them from the Council website:

  1. Nomination form for Elected Member
  2. Copy of publicity leaflet
  3. Copy of the City of Edinburgh Scheme for Community Councils. (Also available online

Local interest groups, who wish to put someone forward as a nominated member must be registered with the Council.  They will be sent the following by the Returning Officer:

  1. Nomination/Registration form for Local Interest Groups
  2. Copy of publicity leaflet

Copy of the Scheme for Community Councils; which contains Procedure for the Appointment of Community Council Nominated Members. (Also available online

Close of nomination period – 30 September 2019

Nominations will close on 30 September 2019 at 4 pm.   Nomination forms submitted to the Returning Officer will then be checked to ensure that nominees, proposers and seconders are all registered electors for the relevant community The Chairman raised the forthcoming election of Community Councils and encouraged residents to become active members of Cramond/Barnton district, to apply.

Planning Report

Peter Scott provided a short overview of the following:

More specific detail on each of the items under this heading was submitted to the meeting under the Secretary’s Planning and Other Environmental September report.

Cammo Development Approved

The Cammo development of 655 houses has been approved by the Development Management Sub-Committee.  This is not surprising given that the site was identified for housing in the Local Development Plan.  At a Hearing, Councillors Lang and Hutchison and MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton argues robustly for refusal. The Community Council accepted that the development was allocated for development, but identified the key issues of infrastructure provision, traffic congestion, etc. and advocated a delay in the Committee’s decision until a full infrastructure plan and a roads plan were approved by Committee.  

A liaison group has been set up between David Wilson Homes, Cala Homes and the Community Council.

34 Cammo Road

This application has been amended to reflect a change in the number of townhouses proposed. 

City Plan

An overview of this was presented using an illustrative set of projected slides

Cammo Local Nature Reserve

Work Has already commenced on improving paths

Dowies Weir

The Council’s report on recent consultations on its proposals for the removal of Dowies Mill Weir is now available for viewing at  CBCC has examined this proposal and considers the realignment plan does not outline the best option, including leaving the arrangement as currently exists. Residents living near to Dowies Mill attending this meeting, expressed their wish to be represented at future discussions, but also consider inviting the angling club. A meeting has been arranged to meet with officials at the Maltings on 2 October and will be attended by Andrew Mather and Peter Feketey.

Glebe Road TRO 

A comprehensive paper covering all arguments has been submitted to the Council advising that the proposal should be abandoned. The client of Car Home rumoured to be considering withdrawal due to the difficulty being experienced by Cramond Residence in recruiting residents.

Pedestrian Crossing at Barnton Grove Junction

This improvement has been supported by Cala Homes, but owning to the Council proposing a traffic study of Maybury Road to be established, this may now be delayed.

Maybury Road

Redetermination of the carriageway on the inner side of the road to redetermine footways. Footways would disappear, and pedestrians would assume to use the verge until a new pavement was established. CC will submit an objection to this as being unacceptable.

Whitehouse Road

Parking on Whitehouse Road causing car congestion between Cramond Vale and Inveralmond Drive during school hours. A TRO has been applied but requires the implementation date to be advised.

Queensferry Road 

Plans for bus lanes continue to be considered impracticable due to the continuing expansion of housing in the Fife area, which results in more commuters using the main arterial route into Edinburgh, thus further congestion.  This issue has been referred to Alex Cole-Hamilton to be raised at the Scottish Parliament.

Davidsons Mains 

Following a fatal accident at the roundabout, a proposal for realignment has been defined by the Roads Dept. Still, it has resulted in the redesign reducing the current lanes to only one on each side. The CC considers this to be impracticable and will be requesting Market Street to reconsider.

Councillors Reports

Councillor Hutchison provided an overview and comments on the following: 

  • nomination for Community Council and that these applications must be submitted by 30 September.  Application forms can be obtained from Cloudberry or online
  • To enable the CC to function, there must be a minimum of nine councillors.
  • On the first day of the new school term, the reduced speed advisory lights had not been functioning but were rectified by the Council on the second day.
  • Cold callers were operating in the area of Cramond Terrace and were from the north of England according to Police; there were no reports of anyone being scammed.
  • GH supported the rejection for the proposed realignment of Dowies Mill.
  • Orders have been served on residents of Gamekeepers Road to cut back overhanging foliage.
  • An overview of planning committee’s operation, which are conducted on a non-political basis.

John Skinner raised a point of governance regarding the Sub-committee considerations, and that was that the papers for the next meeting of 19 June contained no record of the considerations of 22 May.  There was no public record of what had been agreed. Councillor Hutchison undertook to look into this, and the following is his response.  

According to our discussion yesterday evening and keen to draw a line under this discussion, I have spent the morning in conversation with Committee Services.

The first point to note is that the minutes of the DM sub on 22 May were never on the agenda for the following meeting, so were not ‘missing’, they weren’t intended to be there.

Committee Services are very short-staffed, and while I acknowledge that this situation is not ideal, they cover all Council committees and generally do an excellent job.  The issue with the DM sub arises because of the frequency of the meetings; it is simply not possible to turn the minutes round in 2 weeks.

There is nothing unusual or different about the situation regarding the minutes of 22 May.  There is always a significant time lag before minutes return to the Committee for approval, for instance, the minutes for two meetings held in January were brought back to Committee for approval in May.  On balance, more meetings do not have previous minutes to approve than do.

The draft minutes for 22 May are attached below and will return to a future meeting of the DM sub for approval, at which point they will appear online.

Aside from the apparent timeliness issue, which is undoubtedly not Committee Services fault but more a symptom of the botched transformation programme council-wide, from my point of view I am entirely satisfied that there is nothing amiss here.

Councillor Young provided an overview and comments on the following: 

  • A proposal for the establishment of a pedestrian crossing at the entrance to Cargilfield School has been assessed, but due to the low footfall does not justify the cost of the development. Carigilfield School now proposes exploring other self-funded options.
  • Airport action plan has not been publicised but is now available on the airport website.

Cammo Road being used as a rat-run. Survey to be undertaken again to re-assess this feature, which could involve the establishment of removal bollards to facilitate access by emergency vehicles.


Concern was raised regarding the absence of the two senior councillors who are on paternity leave as to who is now in charge.

Chairman congratulated by Ross Wilkinson, a retiring CC for his service and leadership of the Community Council over many years.

Sainsbury’s at Barnton believed to be closing as part of rationalisation, but that the premises are expected to be acquired by Scotmid and to include the provision of a cafe and hot foodservice.

Tesco at Davidson’s Main has been rumoured to be closing, but this has been generated through comments involving a reduction of staff to reduce costs by removing team leaders but has now introduced new flexible staff positions.

Acronym’s used in these minutes
  • TRO = Traffic Regulation Order

Date of Next Meeting

  • Thursday 17 October 2019