Incorporating Cramond, Barnton, Cammo & Quality Street (West)
Minutes of Meeting held on Thurs 20th Oct 2016 in
Cramond Kirk Millennium Hall
Present: Andrew Mather, Ross Wilkinson, Peter Scott, Percy Feketey, Bert Scott, David Belfall, Jean Morley, Alan Rust, Paul McLaughlin, Tim Mitchell, Georgina Wylie.
A total of 3 residents were present. Councillors Shields and Paterson also attended.
Apologies: Ian Williamson, Marion Mitchell, Cllr Norman Work.
Welcome and Introductions
The Acting Chairperson/ Returning Officer Cllr Lindsey Paterson welcomed those attending and stated that she would preside pending election of the principal office-bearers.
Police Report
Sgt Richard Holmwood reported that in the previous month there had been one attempted house break-in and four other incidents had been reported. There had also been a robbery but those involved were known to each other. An incident involving a dog-bite had also occurred although thankfully it had not caused serious injury. Graffiti and car vandalization had also been reported at the Primary School. He then opened the meeting to questions from the floor.
Andrew Mather asked whether there had been any follow-up regarding the dangerous parking on Whitehouse Road near the Primary School. In reply, Sgt Holmwood said that this still had to be investigated. The Police Re-Org would increase the number of officers in the Response Teams but should lead to more effective community policing although numbers were being reduced, as they were less likely to be called to assist elsewhere.
Paul McLaughlin said that he had observed signs in South Queensferry warning drivers that they could be fined for leaving their car engines running and asked whether this signing was being extended. Sgt Holmwood said he would discuss the matter of such signing in key areas of Barnton and Cramond with Council officials.
Tim Mitchell asked if there was a follow-up on the dog-bite? Answer – difficult if dog-owner not identified.
A further questioner asked about the Police Re-Org? Answer – Response Team based at Corstorphine, Community Police at South Queensferry. Overall, number of police unchanged, with more flexibility in shift-working.
Election of Office-Bearers
Cllr Paterson reported that 12 Nominations for Councillors had been received which still left 3 vacancies which could be filled by co-option. Two Interest-groups (Dementia Group and Cammo Residents) also requested Nomination.
She then asked the Elected Candidates present to introduce themselves
- Paul McLoughlin- lived an area 20 years, background in telecoms, interested in Airport issues.
- Tim Mitchell- background with Neighbourhood Watches, on Davidson’s Mains and Silverknowes Association Committee.
- Alan Rust- worked abroad, returned in 2000, interested in environmental issues.
- Ross Wilkinson- original and continuing interest in the Campus Site and similar developments, retiring Vice-Chairman.
- Andrew Mather- lived in area since 1948, retiring Chairman.
- Jean Morley- interested in local issues.
- Bert Scott- involved with environmental and heritage groups such as the Cramond Association.
- Percy Feketey- third stint, lived in area over 30 years, professional background in roads and transport and interest in Neighbourhood Watch.
- Georgina Wylie- background in social and children activities.
- Peter Scott- interests in countryside and tourism, background in planning.
Cllr Paterson then commented that there would be Induction Training for Councillors (afternote- Sat 3rd Dec 2016, City Chambers, 10am-12.30pm)
The following Office Bearers were then elected, all were willing to stand:
- Chairman – Andrew Mather (proposed- Ross Wilkinson, seconded- Percy Feketey)
- Vice-Chairman – Ross Wilkinson (proposed- Andrew Mather, seconded – Robert Scott)
- Secretary – Ian Williamson (proposed- Jean Morley, seconded- Ross Wilkinson)
- Treasurer – Georgina Wylie (proposed- Andrew Mather, seconded-Tim Mitchell)
Chairman’s Report
Andrew Mather said that the Airport Consultative Committee would meet in November to discuss progress on the Flight-Path Report. There would be an Exhibition of the Proposals and Airport Officials would attend at the January CC Meeting. His view was that take-offs were now a lot less noisy, the prevalent wind direction presently being from the east.
On bus services, he was meeting LRT and other Operators in the next few weeks.
Tim Mitchell said that DMSA were supportive and would liaise with CC.
Regarding the role of the Neighbourhood Partnership the feeling was that more focus should be centred on CC issues, he has written to them, there was a Meeting in 2 weeks’ time.
Planning Report
Peter Scott reported that an Application for 1600 houses at Turnhouse had been tabled, with access affecting Craigs Road and Turnhouse Road. For Craigs Road it meant either a new signalised junction with Maybury Road or a 4th leg on the Bughtlin Roundabout. Enlargement of the roundabout would require substantial landscaping for screening on the skyline. He would monitor progress, a Report covering CC Objections would be submitted.
Jean Morley queried the type of housing proposed, there was further discussion on cycling/walking links and the requirement for schools and medical services.
Peter Scott said that the City Council only had mitigation proposals, no overall view of the cumulative impact was being taken.
The Chairman said that that development proposals for South Queensferry highlighted the lack of co-ordination with proposals such as this one for Turnhouse housing.
Peter Scott then stated that following the previous set of proposals by the Edinburgh University students, a small group representing several of the local community organisations and including individuals with relevant professional experience have been developing more realistic ideas for improving the environment of Cramond Village and its environs. A Cramond 2030 Visions Exhibition will be on display in the Gathering Place of Cramond Kirk Halls between 7th and 12th November and there will be a manned consultation day on Saturday 12 November. Members of the community are encouraged to attend and let other interested people know of this. Also, a presentation on the Visions project will be made at the November CC Meeting.
Regarding the Interpretation Project, funding had been provided from various sources allowing signs and boards to be erected to ‘tell a story’ about the history of Cramond. Members of the Community Council indicated their support for the Project and its component elements, as described.
The Chairman thanked Peter Scott for all his hard work on planning matters.
Other Issues
The Chairman said that various issues arising from the Planning Approval of the Care Home were being examined in detail, including the proposed access on to School Brae.
Percy Feketey said that in previous concerns regarding road repairs to School Brae it had been ascertained that it’s status was that of a private, unadopted, road, responsibility for which rested with co-terminus property owners. It could therefore possibly be that access from the Care Home development could be legally blocked by the owners of the road if they so desired.
Chairman’s Meeting of Elected Councillors
Andrew Mather said that a Meeting had been arranged in the Millennium Hall for 1st November.
After discussion, an alternative date was to be chosen (afternote- Wednesday 2nd November at 7.30pm).
Tim Mitchell reported that the bollards at Lauriston Farm Road were to be replaced, neighbours to be consulted. There were also complaints about the volume of heavy traffic on Lauriston Farm Road. The Head Office Roads Team were to undertake a traffic study.
Lighting on the Golf Course Path was also being installed by the Council.
He then reported on Neighbourhood Watch activities, new Council Members could join Neighbourhood Watch Scotland (NWS) and receive email alerts. He could provide details.
A free App (Safety Alarm) from a Swedish firm called Tygve was to be trialled in Almond Ward, with the support of NWS, again he could provide details to anyone interested.
Next meeting
- Thursday 17 November 2016