Incorporating Cramond, Barnton, Cammo & Quality Street (West)

Minutes of Meeting held on Thurs 21st February 2019 in

Cramond Kirk Millennium Hall

Present: Peter Scott (Acting-Chair) Andrew Mather (Chair), Ross Wilkinson, Jean Morley, Bert Scott, Marion Mitchell, Gena Wylie, Percy Feketey.  Cllrs Lang, Hutchison and Work and MP Christine Jardine were also in attendance, along with 23 members.

Apologies: Ian Williamson (Secretary), Tim Mitchell, Cllr Young.

Minutes of January 2019 Meeting

The draft minutes of the January meeting were approved.

Police Report

WPC Nicola Payn gave the monthly Report as follows.  There were 2 domestic break-ins in Inveralmond and Cramond Glebe, entry being made by window and door. She warned that valuables including car-keys should be safely secured.  The gatherings of youths in Cammo Estate had continued with reports of an assault which was being investigated. ASBO incidents were also on the rise and extra patrols were in place. Last incident was on 18th January. If groups of youths were seen heading towards Cammo the Police should be informed. It now appeared that the ‘venues for gatherings’ was shifting back to Corstorphine Hill/ Drumbrae.

On Road Safety, 3 persons had been charged with driving without insurance and the vehicles had been confiscated.  Complaints about speeding on Whitehouse Road were being addressed by the Police using hand-held radar equipment.

A Questioner said that she had observed a group of 6 or 7 girls in Dalmeny Estate and had later found traces of alcohol.  Advice from Nicola was to report such matters to the Police.

Gena Wylie asked about follow-up social work after youth involvement with the Police. Nicola said that various initiatives were followed up including ‘youth education’, contact with schools etc.

Cramond Inn Report

Peter Scott summarised recent history regarding the closure of the Inn in September 2018. The Owner, Samuel Smith also owned the Doo’Cot Pub in Davidson’s Mains and was currently advertising for Pub Managers. Letters to the Brewer went unanswered, hearsay was that the Owner was also having to deal with vermin in the premises of Cramond Inn.

Peter then introduced 2 Officials from the Council Licensing Department (Davie Hathaway & Colleague) who explained that there had been no recently reported incidents through the Police or the general public, prior to the pub closure last September.

The Acting Chair then asked the Officials several questions:

  1. Is it normal for a Pub Manager to live in Lincoln? –  Designated Premises    Manager does not have to live on site.
  2. Have Env Health been consulted? –  no recent complaints or problems.
  3. Any Police Reports? – Council does not get Reports automatically, joint visits with Police are made as necessary, nothing in recent history.
  4. Whose names are recorded as Designated Premises Manager? – there was a problem about 3 years’ ago which was resolved following issue of a Compliance Notice.

Questioner- commented that Licence could be revoked if legal provisions of the Act were not complied-with.

Marion Mitchell commented that problems had been going-on for up to 18 years!  It was generally agreed that once the Inn re-opened close attention would have to be paid on how it was managed.

Kevin Lang commented that empty residential property was subject to double Council Tax and wondered if this also applied to commercial properties?  He offered to investigate the legal position.

Christine Jardine MP also offered her services to resolve the matter.

Questioner, wondered if a Steering Group composed of the CC and the various Local Environmental Organisations could be set-up to investigate the ‘Community Purchase’ of the pub.

River Almond Walkway

Richard Adlington, Chairman, Friends of the River Almond Walkway, gave an update on works in progress.

Peggy’s Mill Section- the pathway had been raised by CEC but accumulated mud had to be cleared.

Salvesen Steps- SUSTRANS had now agreed to pay at least half of the costs, Contractors starting shortly. Other Consultants will create a ‘3D Drone Design’ to locate bracket-fixing locations. The STEPS will be closed temporarily for a couple of days.

Repair of Weirs- proposal to repair them all (£120K cost of survey). Plans requested but not received!

Dowie’s Weir Removal- CEC consulting on Options, preferred Option involves reduction of the impounded waters which form the ‘mill pond’ around the Old Brig. (Also see Planning Issues Report)

John Dods commented that the ‘hydrological model’ used for recent studies on the River Almond and its Weirs was faulty, using incorrect data. Also, the works were being supervised by Parks Dept Staff with no engineering input. There was clear evidence that fish were not using the recently constructed Fish Pass at the Fair-A-Far Weir.

Planning Issues

Peter Scott summarised the contents of his February 2019 Report, circulated with this Meeting’s Agenda.

He also stated that CEC would be delegating more Planning Application Submissions to Council Officials where there were less than 20 Objections. However, if a CC objected the Application would go before the Committee.

Airport Report   

Andrew Mather resumed the Chair and commented that a Re-consultation would be conducted by April 2020 by Edinburgh Airport due to alleged ‘flaws’ in the process already followed. He did not expect the current landing flightpaths to change but the departure flight paths could be varied, giving a slight improvement to Residents.

Unfortunately, due to family reasons, Stefan Slater had to withdraw as the CC Rep on the Airport Consultative Committee, Meetings were held every 9 weeks and a new Rep was now required.

West Edinburgh Traffic

Chairman said he had attended a Meeting with other CC Chairmen and the Transport Convenor- very draconian measures were being considered to try and limit traffic, further Meeting in two months’ time.

The LDP2 Plans do not include Infrastructure information, i.e. provision/ location of new schools, medical practices etc.  We had asked for this info from John Inman (the Council Official responsible) who said the info ‘was available’ but we do not believe this is the case!

Future Status of Neighbourhood Partnerships/ Locality Areas

Chairman said that these Organisations were being scrapped, but Cllr Norman Work emphasised that ‘Locality Networking’ Committees would replace them, with savings in staff costs. Info given out had not been correct.

TROs for Care-Home

178 Objections had been received; Scottish Govt Inquiry Reporter would hold Hearing. Peter Scott said that the CC should NOT oppose the TRO in its entirety, only the part pertaining to the Care-Home. Chairman said he would consider.

Councillors’ Reports

Cllr Hutchison said that his Party had attempted to limit the number of Planning Objections to 12 before referral to Committee but this had not been accepted.

Acronym’s used in these minutes
  • CEC = City of Edinburgh Council
  • TRO = Traffic Regulation Order
  • LDP = Local Development Plan

Date of Next Meeting

  • Thursday 21 March 2019