Incorporating Cramond, Barnton, Cammo & Quality Street (West)
Minutes of Meeting held on Thurs 21st April 2016 in
Cramond Kirk Millennium Hall
Present: Andrew Mather (Chair), Peter Scott, Ross Wilkinson, Marion Mitchell, Bert Scott, David Belfall, Gena Wylie. A total of 18 people were in attendance including Councillors Paterson, Shields and Work.
Welcome and introductions
The Chair welcomed those attending and noted apologies from Ian Williamson, Euan Pearson, Jane Neville and Percy Fekerty. The Chair intimated that there had been no developments on the Whitehouse Road/Glebe Road Care home although a site visit by some members of the Planning Committee had taken place.
Minutes of the previous meeting
Concern was expressed by David Belfall that the form of words detailing the constitution of the Airport Action Group recorded in the minute was ambiguous. Subsequent to the meeting David submitted the following for consideration:
Cramond and Barnton Community Council has the responsibility of ascertaining and representing the views and concerns of the community on all relevant issues to the appropriate authorities. The Community Council recognises that the views and concerns of the independent Airport Action Group about noise and pollution are shared by a significant number of people locally. Accordingly, a representative of the Community Council will attend meetings of the Action Group to ensure that the Community Council is fully aware of the work of the group. Also, the Community Council representative on the Airport Consultative Committee will ensure that the views and concerns of the Action Group are considered in that forum, along with any expressed by other members of the community. Responses to consultations on behalf of the Community Council and any other formal actions as regards airport developments, noise and pollution will continue to be considered by the Community Council at its monthly meetings.
Airport report
The Chair intimated that he had attended initial meetings of the Action Group and a Meeting of the Action Group with Airport Management. That meeting was constructive and the Airport representatives took away a number of possible initiatives aimed at reducing noise. A follow up meeting at the Airport will be held next week.
Police report
A succinct verbal report was given, the key points being: There had been a total of 213 calls made during the month from 16th March, 41 of which reported specific crimes; 21 arrests had been made and 10 of which related to housebreaking’s, in which 7 had gained entry and in 4 positive lines of enquiry were being followed.
In most instances housebreaking’s are directed to securing keys to enable the theft of a motor vehicle. Most of the housebreaking’s had taken place in the late afternoon. In addition, there had been 14 road traffic offences, many linked to house breaking and some involving under age and unlicensed youngsters.
Planning issues
Representatives from Rick Finc Associates (RFA) and associated traffic consultants attended to give briefing presentations on a proposed 60 bed care home at 565 Queensferry Road and the possible development of the Craigiehall site. Neither of these developments are in our area, although both have traffic implications for our area. Nevertheless, these presentations were a courtesy rather than an obligation and much appreciated.
The Craigiehall Village proposals envisage up to 1200 houses, including affordable homes, community facilities and a park and ride transport hub. These speculative proposals are being prepared on behalf of Hallam Land and Dalmeny Estates. Separate proposals may be forthcoming from other developers. There are significant constraints on parts of the Estate, including designed landscape, airport approach protection area and flood protection area and the Estate has green belt status. Concerns were expressed over aircraft noise, landscape impacts, green belt incursions, sewerage capacity, health services and particularly traffic impacts on adjacent roads and wider road network in West Edinburgh. So far there have been no traffic assessments. The consultants’ attention was drawn to proposals for extension of the River Almond Walkway.
The consultants will provide a pre-application consultation report, undertake workshops with the 3 community councils and communities on delivery and design aspects and submit an application in principle.
A measured question and answer session followed the presentations. Following the departure of RFA’s representatives, Peter Scott, our Planning Representative, took a brief summing up session to gather community comments for our formal submission to the planners on the Queensferry Home Care Home and to RFA on the Craigiehall proposals.
Peter quickly took the meeting through outstanding planning issues, as there had been little or no movement over the past month. He flagged up the PAN exhibition on the proposed Maybury Road/ Craigs Road housing development being held in the Marriott Hotel on 28th March from 2.00pm to 8.00pm and subsequently at Drumbrae Hub on 2nd – 6th May.
Councillors reports
Our CEC Councillors each gave brief reports on wider issues of interest. Alastair Shields reported on some current issues in which he had been representing the community. Norman Work updated us on the status of the Royal High building and classes following the structural issues, and Lindsay Paterson reminded the meeting on the up-coming open Neighbourhood Partnership meeting in Davidson’s Mains Church Hall on Wednesday 27th April at 7.30pm
Secretary’s report
Owing to time constraints and the absence of the Secretary on holiday the Secretary’s report, included with the meeting papers, would be taken as read.
Next Meeting
- Thursday 19 May 2016