Incorporating Cramond, Barnton, Cammo & Quality Street (West)

Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 19 February 2015 in Cramond Kirk Millennium Hall

Present: Andrew Mather(Chair), Peter Scott, Jean Morley, Ross Wilkinson, Percy Feketey, Jane Neville, Marion Mitchell, Isla Browning, Mark Whittet and 63 Residents.

Cllrs: Work, Paterson and Shields were also in attendance.
Apologies: Ian Williamson, Euan Pearson and Bert Scott.

Welcome and Introduction:

The Chair welcomed those present and said that there were constraints on time with two topics on the Agenda, a proposal for a Care Home at Cramond Glebe Road and a Licence Extension for the RHS Clubhouse.

Police Report:

PC Williamson (based at Corstorphine Police Station) confirmed 37 Incidents in January 2015 in the CC Area, including 9 break-ins, business and vehicle thefts.

There were no domestic assaults reported but one hate crime on 28 January. Crimes of note were a car theft with keys stolen from house on 12 January, a money Fraud in Silverknowes on 24 January with money transferred Illegally through Western Union and a further car theft using stolen car keys on 29 January. A number of forced entries in Silverknowes and Davidson’s Mains with Items stolen.

OP PELICAN initiated, 2 suspects arrested and charged, drugs found. Police now working 24 hour Roster including Community Officers.

Care Home Proposal:

A Presentation was given by ‘Care Concern’ (who would be the Operator if the project proceeded),along with the Architects,Yeoman McAllister.

The Communications Consultant, Alex Orr, said that their objective was to gather comments, they had yet to meet with the City Planning Dept. Many detailed studies were required, the transportation study had been completed as well as the tree survey and the ecology study.

The archaeology study / scope of works had been agreed and the S.I. (Site Investigation) concluded. Landscaping proposals would follow-on.

‘Care Concern’ operate 20 sites, 16 in Scotland, and provide high-quality services. This proposal is for a 74-bed Care Home with Facilities on-site. There would be a 2-stepped Block with a central hub, also possibly a rooftop garden. The main accommodation would be on 2 levels with a 3rd level with rooms overlooking the River Almond for privacy. Site access would be from Whitehouse Road near School Brae (via lane adjacent to old post office) with a one-way system with egress at Cramond Glebe Road. Parking would be provided for 22 cars and cycles. The City Transport Dept had no concerns on these proposals. 100 persons would be employed in total, with 14/15 care staff on-rota.

Vicky (?) , Area Manager with ‘Care Concern’, confirmed that the policy was to have flexible visiting hours in their Homes. Staff were often recruited from adjacent areas, they wished to foster good neighbourly relations.

Questions were then taken from the floor and answers given as follows:

Q. There was already to be a 90-bed Home at Cramond Place, how was the justification of this further number being demonstrated?
A. There was a 200 bed-blocking shortfall in Edinburgh, indicating requirement!
Questioner responded, why should 164 beds all be allocated to Cramond?

Q. When was the Traffic Study undertaken, there was already a serious parking problem at the School!
A. No info to hand, would be included as part of Planning Application.

Q. New one-way access road had been proposed round the back of the Millennium Hall but had not been supported by the Council, this proposal is similar? Also there was concern about unstable ground conditions at the site.

Q. If the Care Home is to be staffed 8am- 8pm will 15 ‘core staff’ be sufficient?
A. Yes. Other staff will be required (eg kitchen staff).

Q. Proposed Development in Conservation Area surely not acceptable and would be rejected automatically?
A. Conservation Area status does not necessarily exclude new development, will be discussed with Planning Department.

Q. Have the Cramond Medical Practice been consulted?
A. Not as yet, declined to attend at this meeting.

Q. What is the view of our 3 Councillors, in light of the strong opposition?
A. Are not members of Planning Committee but will relay sentiments.

Q. What is timescale for Application?
A. 2 weeks to a month.

Q. 8am is surely a bad time for a shift-start, Nursery is not happy either!

Q. Will lighting pollution not be a problem?
A. Will be dealt with, if a problem.

Q. This is a beautiful area, this proposal is alien! Are 100 jobs likely?
A. 100 staff in total, 7/24.

Q. What about access for fire, ambulance and other emergency services? Carriageway is only 6m wide.
A. It works!

RHS Clubhouse Licence:

The Chairman stated that the Clubhouse was considering
increasing its activities and was looking to extend the permitted hours of operation
in its planning permission to enable opening until 1 am. Local Residents were not enthusiastic.

There was a short debate in which it was pointed- out that the teaching of Rugby was now important, attracting more Clubhouse usage, and the RHS can already operate until 1am. The late facilities would only be required occasionally on Friday and Saturday nights.

It was agreed that there was a lack of clarity on what was now being sought by the
Clubhouse but it was felt that the Rugby Club could negotiate with the Residents.

The Community Council felt that they could support the extension of licensing
hours on this basis. (NOTE – Ref minute of March meeting for rep on conclusion).

Next Meeting:

This would take place at 7:30pm on Thursday 19 March 2015.