Incorporating Cramond, Barnton, Cammo & Quality Street (West)

(Approved) Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 20 November 2014 in Cramond Kirk Millennium Hall

Present: Andrew Mather (Chair), Peter Scott, Jean Morley, Ross Wilkinson, Percy Feketey, Jane Neville, Marion Mitchell, Isla Browning, John Dods, Patricia Eason, Robert Scott, Robin White

A total of 13 residents were present.

Councillors Paterson, Shields and Work were in attendance.

Welcome and introductions:

The Chair welcomed those present and intimated that as the Secretary was on holiday, Percy Feketey would be compiling the Minutes.

Minutes of the previous Meeting:

These were accepted with the addition of Councillors Paterson and Work being added to the Attendance List.

Police Report:

PC Neill gave a report on crime statistics covering the area, for October 2014. 42 incidents had been reported including 1 minor assault, 8 vandalisms and 10 housebreakings. Streets particularly affected were Peggy Mills Lane, Cramond Avenue and Barnton Gardens. Entries mainly by rear windows. 9 incidents resolved and one main culprit apprehended. A Porche car had been stolen in Cammo and there had been a few minor vehicle accidents.

School Streets Initiative:

The Chair introduced Caroline Burwell from the City Council Road Safety Team who gave a presentation on a proposed trial scheme to increase road safety in the vicinity of Cramond Primary School gates. The proposed option was to prohibit vehicles from entering and leaving certain streets for 40 minutes before and after school opening times. Residents in the defined areas would have Permits giving them exemption as would Blue Badge Holders, Emergency Services and general traffic visiting the school. An Experimental Traffic Order would be trialled for up to 18 months after which it could be made permanent. The 40-minute restriction periods would be controlled by flashing lights. Information was available on the Council website and at the school.

Questions from the floor:

Stefan Slater felt that more cars would park in Whitehouse Road, leading to chaotic traffic conditions, there were existing problems with the No 41 Bus. Answer given was that the Experimental Order could be changed as necessary during the period.

Euan Pearson asked why Cargilfield School wasn’t included? Answer was that long sections of road could not be restricted in this way, local opinions were being taken into account.

Cllr Paterson stated that LRT were already complaining about parking congestion in Whitehouse Road, proposals could worsen the situation.

Peter Scott felt that the proposed ‘Pedestrian and Cycle Zone’ signage which showed a red ‘R’ for ‘exempt Residents’ would be clearer if the word ‘Residents’ were spelt-out. He suggested that double yellow lines be introduced on a section of Whitehouse Road to reduce parent parking there – especially in the vicinity of the pedestrian crossing.

Caroline Burwell said in response to a query that 11 Schemes at Primary Schools were being assessed as part of this Initiative.

Stefan Slater asked about consultations, answer given was that publicity had been provided on-line, leaflets through doors, posters etc.

Percy Feketey inquired as to how the restricted access time-periods would be controlled to allow for varied school opening and closing times, answer given was that the timing of the flashing lights would be adjusted.

Cllr Work said that he was pleased with the Initiative and hoped that further schemes would be promoted.

Question from floor– have parents been consulted yet? Answer, schools have already signed-up to proposals, parents had to agree as part of the process.

Cllr Shields commented that there was pressure from other areas for similar schemes, answer given was that 10 rather than 5 were being assessed, further schemes would be examined in due course.

Question from floor- concerned that problems would just spread, illegal parking should be better controlled, answer that parking attendants did try and enforce but could only do so much.

Patricia Eason asked about the use of single white lines across private accesses, apparently had been refused, Caroline Burwell said she would pursue the matter.

Question from floor- what about people who ignore the restrictions? Answer, penalty fines and points deductions, ongoing discussions with Police.

Ewan Pearson- asked about enforcement cameras on signs? Answer, at present no legislation in Scotland although legal in England.

Cllr Work commented that existing ‘SSI Schemes’ operated in Dundee and Haddington and seemed to be successful. He agreed that camera enforcement was legal in England.

Planning Issues:

Peter Scott gave a Report on the Cammo Development. Revised Plans and a Design Study for up to 670 houses had been submitted and were available for scrutiny. The area to be developed had been curtailed because of potential flooding issues and there was more green space. The 4-storey blocks, likely traffic problems and adverse visual effects remained and it was necessary to maintain Objections. Proposed tennis courts (with a possibility of flood lighting) near houses in Cammo Grove were not considered acceptable. We would suggest 3-storey blocks (maximum) and bus laybyes. The emergency lane on Maybury Road will be lost!

Objections had to be submitted by 27 Nov 2014.

Questions from the floor were taken and responded-to as follows, problems regarding sewage disposal would be highlighted at a future Presentation to the CC by Scottish Water, limiting all building heights to 2 storeys would lower the housing density to a scale unlikely to be acceptable to the applicants, existing traffic had been measured in 2012 on a short-term basis (inadequate), the ‘village centre’ remains in the NE part of the site, despite the CC’s comments that this should be in a more central or southern location to promote active travel and avoid conflicts with Barnton shops.

A Pre-Application Notice regarding the adjacent housing development at The Maybury had been lodged with the Council and the Developer was holding a Public Exhibition in the Marriot Hotel on 26 November 2014 (footnote- the Application Number is 14/0416/PAN). The CC would be submitting a Response.

The Café Extension had been approved, our submissions were disregarded.

The Salvesen Steps upgrade was now budgeted-for at £970,000 in 2015-2016, provided that sufficient funds were raised. The Proposed Scheme was the one favoured by the CC. Keith Logie (City Parks Dept) was the Project Officer.

The proposed Nursing Home in Cramond Place (92-bed Unit) was not being proceeded-with but a smaller (72-bed) Unit was now planned with a different Operator.

Further vehicle access restrictions at the Promenade were being considered because of the number of vehicles taking access, an ice-cream van was generally there (had a Permit).

Work to tidy-up the street frontage at the Barnton Shops would start in February 2015, the Chair commented that he had raised the matter of the adjacent road improvements (including the missing junction turning-lane) at the recent Neighbourhood Partnership Meeting, they should be undertaken at the same time. Percy Feketey commented that he had raised the matter at a recent Seminar at the City Chambers, with Andrew Burns (Council Leader) and Sue Bruce (Chief Executive)-(footnote- the Secretary has copied CC correspondence with City Officials to Mr Burns and Ms Bruce at Mr Burns’ request).

Other Issues:

Chair commented that the historic James V Statue presently located at the former SPCA Offices near Cramond Brig had been the subject of much recent e-mail correspondence. It weighed 14 Tons and its ownership was in question.

The Dementia Project in Davidson’s Mains (not strictly in the CC’s domain) was now progressing well.

Stefan Slater queried re progress on harbour wall repairs, the Chair said that there were frustrating ownership problems.

Councillors’ Reports:

Cllr Paterson mentioned the tidy-up at the Barnton Shops, no Council waste bins would be sited on the pavements. It was mentioned that Tesco were no longer accepting returned plastic bags, which were not re-cycleable. The new waste collection system was being rolled-out and seemed to be progressing satisfactorily.

Cllr Work agreed with the sentiments. Cllr Shields said he had attended the Remembrance Service at Cramond Kirk (100 Years’ Anniversary of 1st World War) and said it had been well arranged.. A Booklet on the Almond Partnership had been recently produced and would be updated as necessary.

Next Meeting: Thursday 15 January 2015.