As a result of the Lockdown, the Community Council (CC) has not held a public meeting since February (copy minute attached), but that is not to say we have been sitting on our hands and what follows is a brief update.

Before you send this to your digital bin if you look at nothing else, then please do look at the section on ideas about the Cammo Fields Community Hub.  

This is a real opportunity to identify community amenities which could benefit the area for years to come.  

Summary of CC activities 

Volunteering during the lockdown.  The CC has spread the word about the support available from the Cramond Volunteers group.  As well as delivering to residents in lockdown through shielding (and those who may be symptomatic ) the group’s activities have included setting up a parents’ support group, tidying up the Care Home garden and delivering children’s drawings/messages to Cramond Care Home.  If you’d welcome help, please contact or phone the Kirk on 0131 336 2036.  See –

Traffic changes on Glebe Road delayed.  Pressure from the CC and residents has prevented the proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) required to enable the development of the Care Home at 18 Whitehouse Road from going ahead without a Public Hearing.  For information, see –

Road closures and future status of Cammo Walk.  Silverknowes Road and Cammo Walk have been closed to vehicles, during the lockdown, to make these safer for walkers and cyclists.  The CC’s Community Engagement requirement for the City Council to consult us on the future of Cammo Walk and our proposals for improving Barnton and Cammo Gardens junctions is postponed until meetings can take place.

Planning Matters

The community council has…..

Helped to prevent further delegation of planning decisions to Council Officers.  Following objections from CCs and local councillors, the Council’s Development Management Sub-Committee will meet virtually from May; thereby ensuring elected members’ scrutiny of significant planning decisions.  

Made a comprehensive submission to the Cityplan 2030 ‘Choices’ consultation.  Prompted by the lockdown, we have urged that significant new housing developments should include office/ work-spaces in a proportion of homes and/or small business units, to enable home-working, reduce pressures for more large offices and minimise commuting.  Find out more at –

Responded to a pre-application consultation on a 20m telecommunications mast and ground cabinets on the east side of Whitehouse Road, between Cramond Regis and Regis Court.  Our suggested alternative sites were rejected, but the proposers have agreed to change the mast colour from black to light grey to reduce skyline impacts and paint the cabinets green to match verge-side vegetation.  They will also examine the scope for siting the cabinets between the pavement and property boundary, rather than on the pavement.  

Advised on planning matters.  The CC does not become involved in neighbour-neighbour issues, but we advised a resident who was unhappy about the Council’s handling of plans for the next-door property on how to take his complaint forward. 

Objected to plans for 36 apartments in 4 blocks behind Main Street, Davidsons Mains. Although outwith our statutory area, we were concerned over the scale of development and impacts on Davidsons Mains centre, local heritage and the cycling/walking route linking Cramond Road South to the Roseburn-Leith Cycleway.  The CC objected to the density, footprint and vertical scale of the apartment blocks, loss of parking at Tesco’s Car Park, and inadequate cycleway/footpath width and alignment.  Also, we’ve recommended that the developers be required to fund improvements to the cycleway/footpath.  Search for 20/01410/PPP on the Council’s Planning Portal.

Ideas wanted for Cammo Community Hub

Cala responded positively to our suggestions for a Community Hub at the north-east corner of the Cammo Fields site.  This could accommodate public, sports or social club meetings. 

A building to be provided by the developer subject to a viable concept and business plan emerging, or the opportunity will be lost.  Options could include a commercial or social enterprise company operating office units, a leisure/health facility, nursery or restaurant and leasing a community area. 

Do you know of…….

  • Businesses, social enterprises or charities, which may be interested in leasing business space and managing a community facility?
  • Community organisations, clubs, etc., which may be interested in leasing space at a Community Hub – at not-for-profit, but cost-recovery, prices?
  • Other practical and financially viable means of funding a community hub at Cammo?

Please send any ideas to the CC Secretary at

Other news

Stop Press: No 41 bus on SundaysCouncillor Lang has advised us of the suspension to the 41 bus service on Sundays during the current lockdown period.

Edinburgh Airport – from around 40,000 passengers/day in 2019, passenger throughput has dropped by to about 200 passengers/day.  While the Airport is staying open with a skeleton staff, some capital projects are delayed, and the Airspace Change project is paused. Click here to see – Edinburgh Airport’s Coronavirus passenger update.

Plants to brighten Cramond Village and Promenade.  The cancellation of Davidsons Mains Gala means the loss of a fundraising opportunity for the Forget-Me-Not Garden at Lauriston Castle from the sale of plants grown by Patricia and Iain Easson.  Generously, they have donated these plants to brighten up the Village and promenade.  

A personal note from your Secretary……..

We may all be Jock Tamson’s bairns, but we do not all react in the same way to the challenges of the virus and lockdown measures.   For local walks or cycle rides, Cramond, the Foreshore and River Almond Walkway can be destinations of choice, with immeasurable benefits to physical and mental health. 

In general, more people have been enjoying Cramond’s amenities, and the majority are obeying guidelines on distancing. The levels of courtesy, politeness and good behaviour are higher than usual.  

However, there are exceptions. From the drivers of large 4x4s, some of whom display a sense of entitlement that persuades them they can park where they like with impunity. The emboldened youths (polite term) who descend and brazenly – despite being challenged during their acts of vandalism– proceed to break the “Just Eat” bikes from the stances. 

There are the day-trippers to the Island requiring coastguard callout – some of whom were fined, and some of whom swam back!  During lockdown my wife has become addicted to “Monkey Life” on the Pick channel; me I just look out of the kitchen window or watch from the garden and muse on how much some have evolved.

Friends of the River Almond Walkway have reminded their members and the public of the need to respect social distancing on the Walkway.   

Toilets are closed across the City with many staff in self-isolation and many of the toilets only having cold water – unsuitable for the hand-washing requirements of Covid-19.  Looking to the future, the Council and the CC will have to address issues relating to Cramond’s public toilets – the quality of which leave much to be desired and which are inaccessible to those with mobility issues.  

Finally, everyone please stay safe.

Ian Williamson, Secretary

June 2020 News