Development Proposals
Cramond and Barnton Community Council takes an active role in monitoring planning applications within, and affecting, the local area and, where appropriate, makes submissions to the City of Edinburgh Council, as local planning authority, on the community’s views on the merits, or otherwise, of planning applications. Decisions on planning applications may then be approved or refused by planning officers, under delegated powers, or by the Development Management Committee. Planning permissions will often be subject to conditions to safeguard local amenity, etc. and, in the case of major developments, developers may be required to make a contribution towards costs of infrastructure required to service the development (e.g. roads improvements).
The Council publishes weekly lists of planning applications registered by the Council and decisions made on planning applications. These lists and details of individual planning applications can be inspected on the City Council’s Planning Portal website (click hyperlink to access webpage).
The Community Council discusses planning matters at its monthly meetings and may organise, or publicise, presentations or exhibitions on more significant development proposals, local plan reviews, etc.. Where appropriate, representatives of the Community Council may attend, or arrange meetings between, developers and other interested parties within the local community to seek mutual understanding and, where possible, agreement on planning matters.
The Community Council does not usually get involved in minor applications, which may only be of interest to immediate neighbours, but prioritises its involvement in planning issues in favour of developments, which have implications for the wider community, amenity and heritage of the Cramond and Barnton areas. For example, the Community Council may make representations on proposals which will have significant effects on –
- the green belt, amenity of Cramond Conservation Area, or conservation of buildings or sites of historic or architectural interest
- traffic flows, safety and parking
- flood risks or drainage infrastructure
- educational, medical or retail services
- the local economy (e.g. employment opportunities).
Planning matters being considered by the Community Council are reported in the Secretary’s Report, which is generally prepared for presentation to each Community Council meeting and subsequently uploaded onto the Community Council’s website.
Strategic, Local, Community and Other Plans
The Community Council monitors, keeps the community up-to-date, and make submissions, at the development and review stages of SESplan – the regional strategic plan for South East Scotland, the City of Edinburgh’s Local Development Plan, the Local Community Plan for the Almond Neighbourhood Partnership area and other relevant planning and policy statements (e.g. transport plans, housing plans).
Planning Contacts
Members of the community wishing to discuss planning matters can contact –