Juniper Residential – Proposed Residential Development, 6 Barnton Ave. West.
Proposals by Juniper Residential for 48 residential units in four ‘cottages’ (townhouses), one 3-storey apartment block and an extensive 3- and 4-storey apartment block overlooking the Royal Burgess Golf Course can be viewed at In response to an invitation to comment on these pre-application proposals and following a virtual meeting with representatives of the developers, the CC has expressed reservations regarding;
- Visual dominance of the 3- and 4-storey apartment blocks, as viewed from Barnton Ave. West and the Royal Burgess Golf Course
- Inappropriateness of the proposed single entrance to the long, 33 unit apartment block in post-Covid times, as this are likely to be occasional congregations of people near the entrance and in the long corridors with risk of virus spreading, etc.. The CC has recommended that the large apartment block be replaced by 2 or 3 smaller buildings.
- While welcoming the proposed level of parking provision, the parking layout will dominate the central area and create conflicts between vehicles and pedestrian movements. The CC has recommended a proportion of underground/undercroft parking
- Tree surveys and the landscape plan should ensure protection of existing trees and future planting to provide screening and enhance biodiversity.
Brighouse (former Cramond Campus) – Proposed Extension of Planning Condition Requiring Provision of Sports Pitches and Pavilion (20/02916/FUL)
As reported at the CC last meeting, AMA has sought an extension to this planning condition. In response, the CC sought refusal of the condition and preparation of a new planning brief, with a focus on the provision of public greenspace for informal recreation, play and enjoyment, rather than commercial or private club sports fields.
Subsequently, AMA has proposed a ‘route-map’ for future development, which proposes that;
- A further 5 years is required to secure a partner and develop sports fields.
- A review after 2 years, and if a sustainable sports scheme cannot be identified, AMA should discuss alternative options with CEC and the community.
- Quarterly up-dates should be provided through a Review Group of key stakeholders. The CC has rejected this, as it is seen as a delaying tactic, and the community’s priorities are in the provision of public greenspace.
Consequently, the CC has proposed;
- Withdrawal of the current planning condition, which is considered unenforceable.
- Preparation of a new planning framework, with public greenspace as the primary focus.
- If AMA does not agree to this, serving of an Amenity Notice requiring tidying and landscaping of the site.
Cammo Walk/Barnton Junction Community Participation Request (CPR)
After a third virtual meeting with Council officers and being no nearer achieving agreement on desirable, longer-term, options for Cammo Walk (e.g. keeping it open to southbound vehicles, or providing traffic lights at Cammo Gardens/Maybury Road junction), or improvements to Barnton Junction, CC representatives have suspended their participation in the CPR process, until the Council staff bring forward solutions to the potential issues of community severance and traffic hazards and ensure that meetings are attended by relevant officers to enable meaningful discussion on solutions.
Other Issues
In November an official of the Council responded to the CC to advise that she would undertake to pursue the commitment given to the Community Council on behalf of a number of residents on Whitehouse Road to provide access protection lines across driveways. Despite chasers she has yet to come back with a progress report.
A wholly unsatisfactory reply has been received from the Scottish Government to the Community Council’s approach regarding the policy of Samuel Smiths brewery to choose not to offer a cashless or contactless alternative at the Cramond Inn.
No response has been received from the Council regarding the commitment given to agree an action plan covering access to Cramond Village, the car park and the promenade. Considerations regarding further action on this are at this stage inextricably linked into the pending Inquiry Reporter’s consideration regarding the TRO linked to the planned Care Home at 18 Whitehouse Road.
In recent days we have responded to an enquiry from the Evening News following a FOI request made to the Council about how many formal complaints it had received concerning the Spaces for People scheme. The Council had advised the paper that it had received two such complaints.
Ian Williamson and Peter Scott
January 2021