Secretary’s Report for 19 March 2015
Planning Casework
2 Inveralmond Gardens/102 Whitehouse Road
Two applications were submitted; one for the development of a two-storey house in the grounds of both properties; the other for the demolition of a building and a shelter which are parts of the listed building group at 102 Whitehouse Road.
Following approaches by neighbours, the Community Council made a submission recording a number of issues relating to the development of the two-storey house.
Separately, we brought the Councils attention to their decision that listed building consent was not required and as a result the applicants were required to seek listed building consent for the demolition works.
Subsequently, the City Archaeologist recommended refusal of the proposals to protect the listed structures and indicated that building works may have detrimental effects on underlying Roman archaeological remains. The applications have now been withdrawn by the applicants. The reasons for withdrawal have not been given and there is nothing to prevent revised applications.
Residential development South West of Craigs Cottage, Craigs Road
(‘Wimpey’ site) – The site, adjoining Maybury Road and Craigs Road, is part of the larger Maybury/Turnhouse development outlined in the Second Local Development Plan. This application for permission in principle for 250 houses and associate infrastructure has been recommended for approval by planning staff, despite traffic and other concerns from the local community and Community Council. The site is currently designated as green belt, but proposed for development in the Second LDP and is therefore deems acceptable by the planners. Despite accepting that they Maybury Junction operates overcapacity at times and is currently being assess in the contest of proposed Local Plan developments, the Head of Transport has raised no objections to the proposals and indicated that traffic models demonstrate that the proposed signalised Craigs Road/Maybury Road Junction will function acceptably. Developer contributions will be required for transport and schools provision and possibly for healthcare provision.
Nursing Home at Whitehouse Road/Cramond Glebe Road
The Community Council is awaiting the submission of a planning application prior to taking further action, but is aware of the opposition by the majority of the local community. The Council’s planner and Archaeologist have highlighted to the developers the national importance of the site in respect of its relationship to the Roman Fort and potential prehistoric and Roman romans (e.g. location on/in vicinity of Fort defences), access road and potential graveyard site) and are requiring a predetermination archaeological evaluation in advance of any subsequent planning application. It is possible that this evaluation could result in a reappraisal of the feasibility of the proposed development.
Friends of the River Almond Walkway (FRAW) AGM
Representatives of the Community Council attended FRAW’s very successful AGM at which David Jamieson, the City Council’s Head of Parks and Greenspaces, spoke about ‘Current Challenges and Opportunities in Managing Edinburgh’s Public Parks Estate’. This presentation highlighted the major budgetary constraints facing the Council and especially its Park’s function and the important roles voluntary groups such as FRAW can play. FRAW members highlighted the need to progress replacement of the Salveson Steps.
King James Statue
Robin White is to be thanked for agreeing to investigate the potential relocation of the Statue from Braehead Farm to a site where it can be better appreciated by the community and visitors. The developers of Braehead Farm have indicated that they may not be adverse to its relocation, but would not be prepared to finance any such works.
Cammo Home Farm
It is understood that Kamran Akhbar has withdrawn from his proposed purchase of the Home Farm buildings. Council delays in agreeing a revised purchase price following the fire damage are understood to be a contributory factor in the purchaser’s withdrawal. The Council is now seeking delisting of the buildings to enable a resale of the site for new development (subject to planning permission). Delisting has been challenged by a local resident, both on grounds of the loss of a listed building and the potential availability of purchasers of the property for restoration.
Financial Report for the Period from 1 April 2014 to 13 March 2015
(Jane Neville 17 March)
During this period CBCC received an administration grant of £744.66. In the period until 13 March 2015 £413.25 was spent on hall rental and £231.28 on printer ink, secretarial, planning and website expenses. We have also received £75 in compensation from the Bank of Scotland in relation to a complaint regarding the difficulty in changing signatories on the CBCC bank account. No grant income was received during this period and all grants received in previous years have now been fully spent. After three years in post as Treasurer, Jane Neville has resigned and will be replaced by Gena Wylie with effect from 1 Aril 2015. All correspondence with the Treasurer should now be sent to Gena Wylie, 17 Barnton Park Drive.
Other issues
Other issues which may be covered during the meeting (other business and time permitting) include an update on the process for consideration of the LDP(2) by the Council; the latest position of Lothian Buses regarding services to the area; and an update on the state of shared CBCC/CEC action plan (on which the key officials – Darren Wraight and Audrey Primrose – will be presenting at the May CC meeting).
Ian Williamson
19 March 2015